Exact Match:
- list
- a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
- give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of; "List the states west of the Mississippi"
- tilt to one side; "The balloon heeled over"; "the wind made the vessel heel"; "The ship listed to starboard"
- cause to lean to the side; "Erosion listed the old tree"
- include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?"
- Mystik tape,
- Scotch tape,
- account,
- adhesive tape,
- adjoin,
- alphabetize,
- analyze,
- angularity,
- annals,
- arena,
- arrange,
- ascend,
- assort,
- backset,
- band,
- bandage,
- bank,
- bar,
- batten,
- beading,
- beadroll,
- befringe,
- belt,
- bibliography,
- bind,
- binding,
- board,
- book,
- border,
- bordering,
- bordure,
- bound,
- break down,
- brim,
- brink,
- brow,
- calendar,
- call up,
- cant,
- capsize,
- careen,
- carve,
- catalog,
- catalogue,
- catalogue raisonne,
- categorize,
- cellophane tape,
- census,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- check in,
- checklist,
- chronicle,
- cincture,
- class,
- classify,
- climb,
- close,
- cloth tape,
- coast,
- codify,
- come a cropper,
- commandeer,
- composition,
- confine,
- conscript,
- constituents,
- container,
- content,
- contents,
- coop,
- correspondence,
- court,
- courtyard,
- crack,
- craze,
- cultivate,
- culture,
- curtilage,
- cut,
- decline,
- delimited field,
- delve,
- descend,
- detach,
- detach for service,
- dig,
- digest,
- dip,
- directory,
- divide,
- divisions,
- docket,
- documentation,
- draft,
- dress,
- drop,
- edge,
- edging,
- elements,
- enclave,
- enclosure,
- enframe,
- engrave,
- enlist,
- enroll,
- enscroll,
- enter,
- enumerate,
- fall,
- fall away,
- fall down,
- fall flat,
- fall headlong,
- fall off,
- fall over,
- fall prostrate,
- fallow,
- fascia,
- featheredge,
- fertilize,
- field,
- file,
- fill out,
- fillet,
- fimbria,
- fimbriation,
- flange,
- flounce,
- flounder,
- fold,
- force,
- frame,
- friction tape,
- frill,
- frilling,
- fringe,
- furbelow,
- galloon,
- get a cropper,
- girdle,
- go downhill,
- go uphill,
- grade,
- grave,
- ground,
- group,
- guts,
- handlist,
- harrow,
- heel,
- hem,
- history,
- hoe,
- impanel,
- impress,
- incise,
- inclination,
- incline,
- index,
- induct,
- ingredients,
- innards,
- inscribe,
- insert,
- insides,
- inventory,
- itemize,
- items,
- join,
- jot down,
- keel,
- keep score,
- labellum,
- labium,
- labrum,
- lap,
- lath,
- lay down,
- lean,
- lean over,
- leaning,
- leaning tower,
- ledge,
- letters,
- levy,
- lie along,
- ligula,
- ligule,
- limb,
- limbus,
- line,
- lip,
- listing,
- log,
- lurch,
- make a memorandum,
- make a note,
- make an entry,
- make out,
- march,
- marge,
- margin,
- marginate,
- mark down,
- masking tape,
- matriculate,
- memorial,
- minute,
- mobilize,
- motif,
- mulch,
- muster,
- muster in,
- note,
- note down,
- numerate,
- order,
- pale,
- paling,
- park,
- part,
- particularize,
- parts,
- pen,
- pigeonhole,
- pipe roll,
- pitch,
- place,
- place upon record,
- plank,
- plastic tape,
- plow,
- poll,
- post,
- post up,
- press,
- program,
- prune,
- purfle,
- purl,
- put down,
- put in writing,
- put on paper,
- put on tape,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- ragged edge,
- raise,
- rake,
- range,
- rank,
- rate,
- recline,
- record,
- recording,
- recruit,
- reduce to writing,
- register,
- registry,
- relic,
- remains,
- retreat,
- ribband,
- ribbon,
- rim,
- rise,
- roll,
- roll call,
- rolls,
- roster,
- rota,
- ruffle,
- schedule,
- score,
- scroll,
- selvage,
- set down,
- set off,
- shelve,
- shore,
- shred,
- side,
- sideline,
- sidle,
- sign on,
- sign up,
- skirt,
- skirting,
- slant,
- slat,
- slate,
- slip,
- slope,
- sort,
- spade,
- specialize,
- specify,
- spill,
- spline,
- sprawl,
- spread-eagle,
- square,
- stagger,
- strake,
- strap,
- streak,
- streaking,
- stria,
- striation,
- striature,
- striga,
- striola,
- strip,
- stripe,
- striping,
- strop,
- stumble,
- subdivide,
- summon,
- swag,
- sway,
- table,
- tabulate,
- tabulation,
- taenia,
- take a fall,
- take a flop,
- take a header,
- take a pratfall,
- take a spill,
- take down,
- tally,
- tape,
- tape measure,
- tape-record,
- tapeline,
- theater,
- thin,
- thin out,
- tick off,
- ticker tape,
- till,
- till the soil,
- tilt,
- tip,
- toft,
- token,
- topple,
- topple down,
- topple over,
- totter,
- tower of Pisa,
- trace,
- trim,
- trimming,
- trip,
- tumble,
- turn turtle,
- type,
- uprise,
- valance,
- verge,
- vestige,
- videotape,
- weed,
- weed out,
- welt,
- whole,
- work,
- write,
- write down,
- write in,
- write out,
- write up,
- yard