Exact Match:
- lodging
- the act of lodging
- abiding,
- abiding place,
- abode,
- accommodations,
- address,
- apartment,
- assembly-line housing,
- berth,
- billeting,
- cantonment,
- cohabitation,
- commorancy,
- commorant,
- crash pad,
- crib,
- diggings,
- digs,
- domicile,
- domiciliation,
- domus,
- doss,
- dwelling,
- dwelling place,
- habitancy,
- habitation,
- hospitality,
- house,
- housing,
- housing bill,
- housing development,
- housing problem,
- in residence,
- inhabitancy,
- inhabitation,
- inhabiting,
- living,
- living in,
- living quarters,
- lodging place,
- lodgings,
- lodgment,
- lower-income housing,
- nest,
- nesting,
- occupancy,
- occupation,
- pad,
- place,
- place to live,
- quartering,
- quarters,
- remaining,
- residence,
- residency,
- resident,
- residentiary,
- residing,
- roof,
- room,
- rooms,
- roost,
- seat,
- shelter,
- sleeping place,
- slum clearance,
- sojourning,
- squatting,
- staying,
- staying over,
- stopping,
- subdivision,
- tenancy,
- tenement,
- tract,
- transient lodging,
- urban renewal