Exact Match:
- loon
- large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes
- a worthless lazy fellow
- Boeotian,
- aliene,
- bedlamite,
- block,
- borderline case,
- clod,
- crackbrain,
- crackpot,
- dement,
- demoniac,
- dimwit,
- dolt,
- donkey,
- dope,
- dullard,
- dumb cluck,
- dumbbell,
- dummy,
- dunce,
- energumen,
- fanatic,
- flake,
- fou,
- gowk,
- idiot,
- jobbernowl,
- kook,
- lackwit,
- lamebrain,
- lightweight,
- looby,
- loony,
- lunatic,
- madman,
- maniac,
- meshuggenah,
- niais,
- nincompoop,
- ninny,
- ninnyhammer,
- nitwit,
- noddy,
- non compos,
- noncompos,
- nut,
- phrenetic,
- put,
- raving lunatic,
- screwball,
- stupid,
- thickwit,
- weirdo,
- witling