cause to feel relaxed; "A hot bath always relaxes me"
become less tense, rest, or take one's ease; "He relaxed in the hot tub"; "Let's all relax after a hard day's work"
make less tight; "relax the tension on the rope"
become less severe or strict; "The rules relaxed after the new director arrived"
make less severe or strict; "The government relaxed the curfew after most of the rebels were caught"
become less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and assume a friendlier manner; "our new colleague relaxed when he saw that we were a friendly group"
a mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in
an abrupt failure of function or health
lose significance, effectiveness, or value; "The school system is collapsing"; "The stock market collapsed"
break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
cause to burst; "The ice broke the pipe"
fold or close up; "fold up your umbrella"; "collapse the music stand"
reduce or dispose of; cease to hold (an investment); "The company decided to divest"; "the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property"; "There was pressure on the university to disinvest in South Africa"
deprive of status or authority; "he was divested of his rights and his title"; "They disinvested themselves of their rights"