formed or conceived by the imagination; "a fabricated excuse for his absence"; "a fancied wrong"; "a fictional character"; "used fictitious names"; "a made-up story"
shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort); "a shaped handgrip"; "the molded steel plates"; "the wrought silver bracelet"
having the shape of; "a square shaped playing field"
indulging in or influenced by fancy; "a fanciful mind"; "all the notional vagaries of childhood"
having a curiously intricate quality; "a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers"
not based on fact; dubious; "the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties"- F.D.Roosevelt; "a small child's imaginary friends"; "her imagined fame"; "to create a notional world for oneself"
displaying or setting off to best advantage; "a becoming new shade of rose"; "a becoming portrait"
according with custom or propriety; "her becoming modesty"; "comely behavior"; "it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money"; "a decent burial"; "seemly behavior"
produced by a wildly fanciful imagination; "his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Douglas Bush
large in amount or extent or degree; "it cost a considerable amount"; "a goodly amount"; "received a hefty bonus"; "a respectable sum"; "a tidy sum of money"; "a sizable fortune"