Exact Match:
- memory
- an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached"
- the power of retaining and recalling past experience; "he had a good memory when he was younger"
- the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"
- something that is remembered; "search as he would, the memory was lost"
- the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes; "he taught a graduate course on learning and memory"
- RAM,
- anamnesis,
- anniversaries,
- archetypal pattern,
- archetype,
- awareness,
- celebrating,
- celebration,
- ceremony,
- cognizance,
- commemoration,
- consciousness,
- disk memory,
- dressing ship,
- drum memory,
- engram,
- fanfare,
- fanfaronade,
- father image,
- festivity,
- flourish of trumpets,
- heroic legend,
- high-speed memory,
- holiday,
- homage,
- honor,
- image,
- imago,
- immortal name,
- immortality,
- jubilee,
- legend,
- looking back,
- marking the occasion,
- memento,
- memorialization,
- memory trace,
- memory tubes,
- mind,
- observance,
- ovation,
- recall,
- recollection,
- reexperiencing,
- reflection,
- rejoicing,
- religious rites,
- reliving,
- remembrance,
- reminiscence,
- respect,
- retention,
- retentiveness,
- retrospection,
- revel,
- revival,
- rite,
- ritual observance,
- salute,
- salvo,
- solemn observance,
- solemnization,
- souvenir,
- storage,
- storage system,
- storage unit,
- tape memory,
- testimonial,
- testimonial banquet,
- testimonial dinner,
- thought,
- toast,
- traumatic trace,
- tribute,
- triumph,
- unconscious memory,
- undying fame,
- youth