Exact Match:
- monolith
- a single great stone (often in the form of a column or obelisk)
- aa,
- abyssal rock,
- arch,
- barrow,
- basalt,
- bedrock,
- block lava,
- boundary stone,
- brash,
- brass,
- breccia,
- bust,
- cairn,
- cenotaph,
- column,
- conglomerate,
- crag,
- cromlech,
- cross,
- cup,
- cyclolith,
- dolmen,
- druid stone,
- festooned pahoehoe,
- footstone,
- gneiss,
- granite,
- grave,
- gravestone,
- headstone,
- hoarstone,
- igneous rock,
- inscription,
- lava,
- limestone,
- living rock,
- magma,
- mantlerock,
- marker,
- mausoleum,
- megalith,
- memento,
- memorial,
- memorial arch,
- memorial column,
- memorial statue,
- memorial stone,
- menhir,
- metamorphic rock,
- monument,
- mound,
- necrology,
- obelisk,
- obituary,
- pahoehoe,
- pillar,
- pillow lava,
- plaque,
- porphyry,
- prize,
- pudding stone,
- pyramid,
- regolith,
- reliquary,
- remembrance,
- ribbon,
- rock,
- ropy lava,
- rostral column,
- rubble,
- rubblestone,
- sandstone,
- sarsen,
- schist,
- scoria,
- scree,
- sedimentary rock,
- shaft,
- shelly pahoehoe,
- shrine,
- stela,
- stone,
- stupa,
- tablet,
- talus,
- testimonial,
- tomb,
- tombstone,
- tope,
- trophy,
- tufa,
- tuff