Exact Match:
- moor
- open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss
- one of the Muslim people of north Africa; of mixed Arab and Berber descent; converted to Islam in the 8th century; conqueror of Spain in the 8th century
- secure with cables or ropes; "moor the boat"
- come into or dock at a wharf; "the big ship wharfed in the evening"
- secure in or as if in a berth or dock; "tie up the boat"
- affix,
- agricultural region,
- alight,
- alkali flat,
- alluvial plain,
- anchor,
- annex,
- anthill,
- arable land,
- attach,
- barrow,
- basin,
- batten,
- batten down,
- baygall,
- belay,
- berth,
- billet at,
- bind,
- bivouac,
- black belt,
- bog,
- bottom,
- bottomland,
- bottoms,
- brae,
- bridle,
- buffalo wallow,
- burrow,
- bushveld,
- butte,
- camp,
- campo,
- cast anchor,
- catch,
- cement,
- chain,
- champaign,
- champaign country,
- cinch,
- citrus belt,
- clamp,
- clinch,
- coastal plain,
- colonize,
- come to anchor,
- come to land,
- corn belt,
- cotton belt,
- countryside,
- cramp,
- debark,
- debus,
- delta,
- deplane,
- desert,
- detrain,
- disembark,
- disemplane,
- dock,
- domesticate,
- down,
- downs,
- drop anchor,
- drop the hook,
- drumlin,
- dune,
- dust bowl,
- enchain,
- engraft,
- ensconce,
- entrammel,
- establish residence,
- everglade,
- farm belt,
- farm country,
- farmland,
- fasten,
- fasten down,
- fell,
- fen,
- fenland,
- fetter,
- fix,
- flat,
- flat country,
- flatland,
- flats,
- foothills,
- fruit belt,
- glade,
- go ashore,
- graft,
- grapple,
- grass roots,
- grass veld,
- grassland,
- grazing region,
- gyve,
- hamper,
- handcuff,
- heath,
- highland,
- highlands,
- hill,
- hillock,
- hive,
- hobble,
- hog wallow,
- hog-tie,
- holm,
- hopple,
- hummock,
- inhabit,
- kedge,
- kedge off,
- keep house,
- knit,
- knob,
- knoll,
- land,
- lande,
- lash,
- lash and tie,
- lay anchor,
- leash,
- level,
- live at,
- llano,
- locate,
- lowland,
- lowlands,
- lunar mare,
- make a landfall,
- make fast,
- make land,
- make port,
- make secure,
- make sure,
- manacle,
- marais,
- mare,
- marish,
- marsh,
- marshland,
- meadow,
- meadows and pastures,
- mere,
- mesa,
- mesilla,
- mire,
- molehill,
- monticle,
- monticule,
- moorland,
- moors,
- morass,
- moss,
- mound,
- move,
- mud,
- mud flat,
- nest,
- open country,
- pampa,
- pampas,
- park,
- peat bog,
- peg down,
- peneplain,
- people,
- perch,
- picket,
- pin down,
- pinion,
- plain,
- plains,
- plateau,
- playa,
- populate,
- prairie,
- prairies,
- province,
- provinces,
- put in,
- put in irons,
- put into port,
- put to,
- quagmire,
- quicksand,
- reach land,
- relocate,
- reside,
- restrain,
- rolling country,
- roost,
- rope,
- rural district,
- rustic region,
- salt flat,
- salt marsh,
- salt pan,
- sand dune,
- savanna,
- screw up,
- sebkha,
- secure,
- set,
- set to,
- set up housekeeping,
- set up shop,
- settle,
- settle down,
- shackle,
- sit down,
- slob land,
- slough,
- sough,
- squat,
- stand,
- stay at,
- steppe,
- steppes,
- straitjacket,
- strap,
- strike root,
- sump,
- swale,
- swamp,
- swampland,
- swell,
- table,
- tableland,
- taiga,
- take residence at,
- take root,
- take up residence,
- tether,
- the country,
- the soil,
- the sticks,
- tie,
- tie down,
- tie up,
- tighten,
- tobacco belt,
- trammel,
- tree veld,
- trice up,
- trim,
- tundra,
- unboat,
- upland,
- uplands,
- vega,
- veld,
- wallow,
- wash,
- wasteland,
- weald,
- wheat belt,
- wide-open spaces,
- wold,
- woodland,
- woods and fields,
- yokeldom