Exact Match:
- move
- the act of deciding to do something; "he didn't make a move to help"; "his first move was to hire a lawyer"
- (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
- the act of changing your residence or place of business; "they say that three moves equal one fire"
- go or proceed from one point to another; "the debate moved from family values to the economy"
- progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting"
- propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting
- have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
- arouse sympathy or compassion in; "Her fate moved us all"
- move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"
- cause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"
- change residence, affiliation, or place of employment; "We moved from Idaho to Nebraska"; "The basketball player moved from one team to another"
- dispose of by selling; "The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers"
- live one's life in a specified environment; "she moves in certain circles only"
- accomplished fact,
- accomplishment,
- achievement,
- acquit,
- act,
- acta,
- action,
- activate,
- activity,
- actuate,
- actuation,
- ad hoc measure,
- admonish,
- advance,
- advancing,
- adventure,
- advocate,
- affect,
- agitate,
- alteration,
- anchor,
- animate,
- annoy,
- answer,
- approach,
- arouse,
- art,
- artful dodge,
- artifice,
- ascend,
- assay,
- attempt,
- awake,
- awaken,
- back,
- back up,
- be,
- bear,
- begin,
- behave,
- bend,
- bias,
- bid,
- billet at,
- bivouac,
- blind,
- blow,
- blow the coals,
- blow up,
- bowl,
- break the ice,
- breathe,
- bring,
- bring before,
- bring forward,
- bring up,
- broach,
- budge,
- bunt,
- burrow,
- busy,
- butt,
- call forth,
- call up,
- camp,
- caper,
- carry,
- carry away,
- carry off,
- cart away,
- caution,
- change,
- change place,
- change-over,
- charge,
- chicanery,
- circle,
- climb,
- close out,
- colonize,
- color,
- come along,
- come home to,
- come on,
- come to anchor,
- commence,
- commend to attention,
- commute,
- compel,
- comport,
- conduct,
- conspiracy,
- contrivance,
- convert into cash,
- convey,
- countermove,
- coup,
- course,
- course of action,
- cover ground,
- crack,
- craft,
- cut under,
- cute trick,
- dealings,
- decamp,
- deceit,
- deed,
- delocalize,
- demarche,
- demean,
- depart,
- deport,
- descend,
- design,
- device,
- dislocate,
- dislodge,
- displace,
- dispose,
- disquiet,
- disturb,
- do,
- dodge,
- doing,
- doings,
- domesticate,
- drive,
- drive on,
- drop anchor,
- dump,
- dynamics,
- ebb,
- effect a sale,
- effort,
- emigrate,
- encourage,
- endeavor,
- energize,
- enjoin,
- enkindle,
- enrage,
- ensconce,
- enterprise,
- essay,
- establish residence,
- excite,
- exhort,
- exist,
- exit,
- expedient,
- experiment,
- exploit,
- expostulate,
- fait accompli,
- fakement,
- fan,
- fan the fire,
- fan the flame,
- fare,
- fare forth,
- feat,
- feed the fire,
- feint,
- fetch,
- fire,
- flame,
- fling,
- flit,
- flow,
- foment,
- force,
- forward,
- foster,
- frenzy,
- function,
- gain ground,
- galvanize,
- gambit,
- game,
- gang,
- gather head,
- gather way,
- gest,
- gesticulation,
- gesture,
- get,
- get ahead,
- get along,
- get away,
- get cracking,
- get going,
- get moving,
- get off,
- get on,
- get over,
- get under way,
- gimmick,
- give an impetus,
- give momentum,
- go,
- go ahead,
- go along,
- go around,
- go deep,
- go fast,
- go forward,
- go off,
- go on,
- go round,
- go sideways,
- go through one,
- goad,
- going,
- grieve,
- grift,
- gyrate,
- hand,
- handiwork,
- hasten,
- heat,
- hie,
- hive,
- hurry,
- impassion,
- impel,
- impress,
- improvisation,
- in transit,
- incense,
- incite,
- incline,
- induce,
- inflame,
- influence,
- infuriate,
- inhabit,
- inspire,
- intrigue,
- introduce,
- issue a caveat,
- job,
- jugglery,
- jury-rig,
- jury-rigged expedient,
- keep house,
- key up,
- kindle,
- kinematics,
- kinesipathy,
- kinesis,
- kinesitherapy,
- kinetics,
- knavery,
- last expedient,
- last resort,
- last shift,
- lather up,
- launch,
- lay aside,
- lay before,
- lead,
- leave,
- lick,
- light the fuse,
- light up,
- little game,
- live,
- live at,
- locate,
- madden,
- make,
- make a motion,
- make a move,
- make a sale,
- make good time,
- make haste,
- make head against,
- make headway,
- make off,
- make progress,
- make progress against,
- make strides,
- make up leeway,
- makeshift,
- maneuver,
- manhandle,
- march,
- market,
- means,
- measure,
- melt,
- melt the heart,
- merchandise,
- misbehave,
- mobilization,
- mobilize,
- modification,
- moor,
- moot,
- motion,
- motivate,
- motivation,
- mount,
- move along,
- move away,
- move forward,
- move on,
- move out,
- move over,
- move to action,
- movement,
- moving,
- nest,
- nudge,
- occupied,
- offer,
- offer a resolution,
- on the go,
- on the move,
- on the road,
- on the run,
- on the way,
- open up,
- operate,
- operation,
- opportunity,
- overexcite,
- overt act,
- park,
- pass,
- pass along,
- pass on,
- passage,
- pedal,
- penetrate,
- people,
- perch,
- performance,
- persuade,
- pierce,
- pique,
- pis aller,
- play,
- plot,
- ploy,
- plunge,
- pole,
- populate,
- pose,
- postulate,
- power,
- practice,
- preach,
- predispose,
- prefer,
- prevail,
- procedure,
- proceed,
- proceeding,
- prod,
- production,
- progress,
- progressing,
- promote,
- prompt,
- propel,
- propose,
- proposition,
- propound,
- provoke,
- pull out,
- pull up stakes,
- push,
- put aside,
- put forth,
- put forward,
- put in motion,
- put it to,
- quicken,
- racket,
- reach,
- recommend,
- red herring,
- regress,
- relocate,
- relocation,
- remind,
- remonstrate,
- removal,
- remove,
- replace,
- res gestae,
- resell,
- reside,
- resort,
- resource,
- restlessness,
- retail,
- retrogress,
- rise,
- roll,
- roll on,
- roost,
- rotate,
- rouse,
- row,
- ruffle,
- run,
- running,
- ruse,
- rush,
- sacrifice,
- sadden,
- sashay,
- scheme,
- sell,
- sell off,
- sell on consignment,
- sell out,
- sell over,
- sell retail,
- sell short,
- sell up,
- sell wholesale,
- send,
- serve,
- set agoing,
- set aside,
- set astir,
- set before,
- set fire to,
- set forth,
- set going,
- set in motion,
- set on fire,
- set up housekeeping,
- set up shop,
- settle,
- settle down,
- shake up,
- shake-up,
- shift,
- ship,
- shot,
- shove,
- shunt,
- side,
- sink,
- sit down,
- sleight,
- smart,
- smite,
- soar,
- soften,
- soften up,
- solution,
- spark,
- spin,
- spur,
- squat,
- stab,
- stand,
- start,
- stay at,
- steam up,
- stem,
- step,
- step forward,
- stimulate,
- sting,
- stir,
- stir the blood,
- stir the embers,
- stir the feelings,
- stir up,
- stirring,
- stop,
- stopgap,
- stratagem,
- strategy,
- stream,
- strike,
- strike root,
- stroke,
- stroke of policy,
- strong bid,
- stunt,
- submit,
- subside,
- subsist,
- subterfuge,
- succeeding,
- suggest,
- summon up,
- supersede,
- supplant,
- sway,
- sweep,
- sweep along,
- tactic,
- take away,
- take off,
- take residence at,
- take root,
- take up residence,
- temporary expedient,
- tentative,
- thing,
- thing done,
- thrust,
- time,
- tinge,
- tone,
- touch,
- touch a chord,
- tour de force,
- transaction,
- transfer,
- transmit,
- transport,
- travel,
- treadle,
- trial,
- trial and error,
- trick,
- trickery,
- troll,
- trump,
- trundle,
- try,
- turn,
- turn into money,
- turn on,
- turn over,
- undercut,
- undersell,
- undertaking,
- unload,
- unrest,
- up,
- upset,
- urge,
- variation,
- velocity,
- wake,
- wake up,
- waken,
- wane,
- warm,
- warm the blood,
- warn,
- wayfare,
- wear down,
- weigh with,
- wend,
- whack,
- whip on,
- whip up,
- whirl,
- wholesale,
- wile,
- wily device,
- withdraw,
- work,
- work into,
- work up,
- working,
- working hypothesis,
- working proposition,
- works