Exact Match:
- muffle
- a kiln with an inner chamber for firing things at a low temperature
- deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
- acoustic tile,
- antiknock,
- antlia,
- apply to,
- baffle,
- baffler,
- beak,
- beezer,
- bill,
- black out,
- blanket,
- block,
- bugle,
- bundle up,
- canopy,
- censor,
- choke,
- choke off,
- cloak,
- clothe,
- cloud,
- conceal,
- conk,
- cope,
- cover,
- cover up,
- cowl,
- curtain,
- cushion,
- damp,
- dampen,
- dampener,
- damper,
- deaden,
- deafen,
- dull,
- dumbfound,
- eclipse,
- enfold,
- enshroud,
- envelop,
- film,
- gag,
- hap,
- hood,
- hugger-mugger,
- hush,
- hush up,
- hush-hush,
- hushcloth,
- kill,
- lay on,
- lay over,
- mantle,
- mask,
- mellow,
- muffle up,
- muffler,
- mute,
- muzzle,
- nares,
- neb,
- nib,
- nose,
- nostrils,
- nozzle,
- obduce,
- obscure,
- occult,
- olfactory organ,
- overlay,
- overspread,
- pecker,
- proboscis,
- protect,
- put on,
- put to silence,
- quash,
- quiet,
- quieten,
- quietener,
- repress,
- rhinarium,
- rostrum,
- schnozzle,
- screen,
- scum,
- shield,
- shroud,
- shush,
- shut down on,
- silence,
- silence cloth,
- silencer,
- sit on,
- smeller,
- smother,
- snoot,
- snout,
- soft pedal,
- soft-pedal,
- soften,
- sordine,
- sordino,
- sound-absorbing material,
- soundproofing,
- soundproofing insulation,
- sourdine,
- spread over,
- squash,
- squelch,
- stifle,
- still,
- stop,
- strangle,
- strike dumb,
- subdue,
- superimpose,
- superpose,
- suppress,
- swaddle,
- swathe,
- throttle,
- tone down,
- trunk,
- veil,
- wrap,
- wrap up