afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; "too upset to say anything"; "spent many disquieted moments"; "distressed about her son's leaving home"; "lapsed into disturbed sleep"; "worried parents"; "a worried frown"; "one last worried check of the sleeping children"
characterized by unrest or disorder; "unquiet days of riots"; "following the assassination of Martin Luter King ours was an unquiet nation"; "spent an unquiet night tossing and turning"
in fear or dread of possible evil or harm; "apprehensive for one's life"; "apprehensive of danger"
mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; "apprehensive about her job"; "not used to a city and worried about small things"; "felt apprehensive about the consequences"
quick to understand; "a kind and apprehensive friend"- Nathaniel Hawthorne
marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger; robust and uninhibited; "you have to admire her; it was a gutsy thing to do"; "the gutsy...intensity of her musical involvement"-Judith Crist; "a gutsy red wine"
doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don't like; "his style of painting was a reaction against cubism"
a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"
an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"
extreme conservatism in political or social matters; "the forces of reaction carried the election"
a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude; "he was pleased by the audience's reaction to his performance"; "John feared his mother's reaction when she saw the broken lamp"
(mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body; "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another
(law) a contention presented by a lawyer to a judge or jury as part of the case he is arguing
an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter
a legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter
something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition); "several of his submissions were rejected by publishers"; "what was the date of submission of your proposal?"
the condition of having submitted to control by someone or something else; "the union was brought into submission"; "his submission to the will of God"