Exact Match:
- ovation
- enthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by loud applause)
- acclaim,
- acclamation,
- anniversaries,
- applause,
- big hand,
- burst of applause,
- celebrating,
- celebration,
- ceremony,
- cheer,
- cheering,
- cheers,
- clap,
- clapping,
- clapping of hands,
- commemoration,
- dressing ship,
- eclat,
- encore,
- fanfare,
- fanfaronade,
- festivity,
- flourish of trumpets,
- hand,
- handclap,
- handclapping,
- holiday,
- jubilee,
- kudos,
- laudation,
- marking the occasion,
- memorialization,
- memory,
- observance,
- plaudit,
- plaudits,
- popularity,
- praise,
- rejoicing,
- religious rites,
- remembrance,
- revel,
- rite,
- ritual observance,
- round of applause,
- salute,
- salvo,
- solemn observance,
- solemnization,
- testimonial,
- testimonial banquet,
- testimonial dinner,
- thunder of applause,
- toast,
- tribute,
- triumph