Exact Match:
- percentage
- a proportion multiplied by 100
- abatement,
- absolute interest,
- adjunct,
- advantage,
- advantageousness,
- advisability,
- agio,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- appropriateness,
- arithmetical proportion,
- avail,
- bait,
- bank discount,
- behalf,
- behoof,
- beneficialness,
- benefit,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bit,
- bite,
- breakage,
- bribe,
- budget,
- capital gains,
- carrot,
- cash discount,
- chain discount,
- charge-off,
- chunk,
- claim,
- cleanup,
- clear profit,
- commission,
- common,
- component,
- concession,
- contingent,
- contingent interest,
- continued fraction,
- convenience,
- cross section,
- cut,
- deal,
- decency,
- deduction,
- depreciation,
- desirability,
- destiny,
- detachment,
- detail,
- discount,
- dividend,
- dividends,
- division,
- dole,
- drawback,
- earnings,
- easement,
- encouragement,
- end,
- equal share,
- equitable interest,
- equity,
- estate,
- expedience,
- expediency,
- fate,
- feasibility,
- fillip,
- filthy lucre,
- fitness,
- fittingness,
- fraction,
- fruitfulness,
- gain,
- gains,
- geometric ratio,
- get,
- gettings,
- gleanings,
- gross,
- gross profit,
- half,
- halver,
- harmonic proportion,
- helping,
- hoard,
- holding,
- improper fraction,
- incentive,
- incitement,
- income,
- inducement,
- installment,
- interest,
- invitation,
- item,
- kickback,
- killing,
- limitation,
- lot,
- lucre,
- lure,
- makings,
- measure,
- meed,
- mess,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- neat profit,
- net,
- net profit,
- opportuneness,
- paper profits,
- parcel,
- part,
- particular,
- payment,
- pelf,
- penalty,
- penalty clause,
- percent,
- perk,
- perks,
- perquisite,
- persuasive,
- pickings,
- piece,
- point,
- politicness,
- portion,
- premium,
- price reduction,
- price-cut,
- proceeds,
- profit,
- profitability,
- profits,
- proportion,
- propriety,
- provocation,
- prudence,
- quadrant,
- quantum,
- quarter,
- quota,
- quotum,
- rake-off,
- random sample,
- rate,
- ratio,
- ration,
- rebate,
- rebatement,
- receipts,
- reduction,
- refund,
- remainder,
- return,
- returns,
- reward,
- right,
- right of entry,
- rightness,
- rollback,
- rule of three,
- salvage,
- sample,
- sampling,
- seasonableness,
- section,
- sector,
- seemliness,
- segment,
- service,
- setoff,
- settlement,
- share,
- slice,
- small share,
- stake,
- stimulation,
- stimulative,
- stimulus,
- stock,
- store,
- strict settlement,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- subspecies,
- suitability,
- sweetener,
- sweetening,
- take,
- take-in,
- tare,
- time discount,
- timeliness,
- title,
- trade discount,
- tret,
- trust,
- underselling,
- use,
- usefulness,
- value,
- vested interest,
- wealth,
- whet,
- winnings,
- wisdom,
- worth,
- worthwhileness,
- write-off