- abiding,
- age-long,
- aged,
- ageless,
- all-comprehensive,
- all-inclusive,
- all-knowing,
- all-powerful,
- all-seeing,
- all-wise,
- almighty,
- ancient,
- antique,
- boundless,
- ceaseless,
- changeless,
- chattering,
- chronic,
- coeternal,
- constant,
- continual,
- continuing,
- continuous,
- countless,
- creating,
- creative,
- dateless,
- diuturnal,
- durable,
- endless,
- enduring,
- eternal,
- eternally the same,
- eterne,
- ever-being,
- ever-durable,
- ever-during,
- evergreen,
- everlasting,
- everliving,
- exhaustless,
- extending everywhere,
- firm,
- fixed,
- frozen,
- glorious,
- good,
- hallowed,
- hardy,
- highest,
- holy,
- illimitable,
- illimited,
- immeasurable,
- immemorial,
- immense,
- immobile,
- immortal,
- immutable,
- incalculable,
- incessant,
- incomprehensible,
- indestructible,
- inexhaustible,
- infinite,
- infinitely continuous,
- innumerable,
- intact,
- interminable,
- interminate,
- intransient,
- invariable,
- inveterate,
- inviolate,
- just,
- lasting,
- limitless,
- long-lasting,
- long-lived,
- long-standing,
- long-term,
- longeval,
- longevous,
- loving,
- luminous,
- machine gun,
- macrobiotic,
- majestic,
- making,
- measureless,
- merciful,
- never-ceasing,
- never-ending,
- no end of,
- nonstop,
- nonterminating,
- nonterminous,
- numinous,
- of long duration,
- of long standing,
- olamic,
- omnipotent,
- omnipresent,
- omniscient,
- one,
- oscillating,
- perdurable,
- perduring,
- perennial,
- permanent,
- persistent,
- persisting,
- pulsating,
- quiescent,
- radiant,
- rapid,
- recurrent,
- regular,
- remaining,
- repeated,
- repetitive,
- rigid,
- sacred,
- sempervirent,
- sempiternal,
- shaping,
- shoreless,
- solid,
- sovereign,
- stable,
- staccato,
- static,
- stationary,
- staying,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- stuttering,
- sumless,
- supreme,
- sustained,
- termless,
- timeless,
- torpid,
- tough,
- ubiquitous,
- unaltered,
- unbounded,
- unbroken,
- unceasing,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- unchecked,
- uncircumscribed,
- undefined,
- undestroyed,
- undeviating,
- unending,
- unfading,
- unfailing,
- unfathomable,
- unintermitted,
- unintermittent,
- unintermitting,
- uninterrupted,
- universal,
- unlimited,
- unmeasurable,
- unmeasured,
- unnumbered,
- unplumbed,
- unremitting,
- unshifting,
- unstopped,
- untold,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- vibrating,
- vital,
- without bound,
- without end,
- without limit,
- without measure,
- without number