Exact Match:
- petty
- contemptibly narrow in outlook; "petty little comments"; "disgusted with their small-minded pettiness"
- Mickey Mouse,
- abject,
- abominable,
- arrant,
- atrocious,
- authoritarian,
- base,
- beggarly,
- bickering,
- bigot,
- bigoted,
- borne,
- captious,
- casual,
- caviling,
- cheap,
- cheesy,
- choplogic,
- close,
- closed,
- constricted,
- contemptible,
- cramped,
- creedbound,
- crummy,
- cursory,
- deaf,
- deaf to reason,
- debased,
- deficient,
- degraded,
- depraved,
- depthless,
- despicable,
- dinky,
- dirty,
- disgusting,
- equivocatory,
- evasive,
- execrable,
- fanatical,
- few,
- flagrant,
- footling,
- foul,
- fulsome,
- grave,
- gross,
- grudging,
- hairsplitting,
- hedging,
- heinous,
- hidebound,
- illiberal,
- imperfect,
- impertinent,
- inadequate,
- incompetent,
- inconsequent,
- inconsequential,
- inconsiderable,
- inessential,
- inferior,
- insignificant,
- insufficient,
- insular,
- irrelevant,
- jerkwater,
- light,
- little,
- little-minded,
- logic-chopping,
- low,
- low-down,
- lumpen,
- maladroit,
- mangy,
- meager,
- mean,
- mean-minded,
- mean-spirited,
- measly,
- mediocre,
- mingy,
- miniature,
- minor,
- miserable,
- miserly,
- monstrous,
- narrow,
- narrow-hearted,
- narrow-minded,
- narrow-souled,
- narrow-spirited,
- nearsighted,
- nefarious,
- negligible,
- niggardly,
- niggling,
- nit-picking,
- no great shakes,
- not comparable,
- not in it,
- nugatory,
- obnoxious,
- odious,
- of no account,
- one-horse,
- out of it,
- paltering,
- paltry,
- parochial,
- parsimonious,
- peanut,
- peddling,
- pettifogging,
- picayune,
- picayunish,
- piddling,
- piffling,
- pimping,
- poky,
- poor,
- provincial,
- punk,
- puny,
- purblind,
- pussyfooting,
- quibbling,
- rank,
- reptilian,
- scabby,
- scrubby,
- scruffy,
- scummy,
- scurvy,
- shabby,
- shallow,
- shoddy,
- shoestring,
- short,
- shortsighted,
- shuffling,
- skin-deep,
- slight,
- small,
- small-beer,
- small-minded,
- small-time,
- squalid,
- stingy,
- straitlaced,
- stuffy,
- superficial,
- tight,
- tight-fisted,
- tinhorn,
- tiny,
- trichoschistic,
- trifling,
- trinal,
- trivial,
- two-bit,
- two-by-four,
- twopenny-halfpenny,
- uncatholic,
- uncharitable,
- unchivalrous,
- unconsidered,
- ungenerous,
- unimportant,
- unliberal,
- unmentionable,
- unskillful,
- vile,
- wretched