Exact Match:
- pink
- a light shade of red
- any of various flowers of plants of the genus Dianthus cultivated for their fragrant flowers
- of a light shade of red
- cut in a zigzag pattern with pinking shears, in sewing
- sound like a car engine that is firing too early; "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"; "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"
- Bolshevik,
- India pink,
- Jacobin,
- Vandyke,
- Wobbly,
- acme,
- acme of perfection,
- anarchist,
- anarchistic,
- anarcho-syndicalist,
- annatto,
- auger,
- bite,
- blaze,
- blooming,
- bore,
- broach,
- burnt rose,
- chop,
- climax,
- color,
- consummation,
- coral,
- countersink,
- crenellate,
- crenulate,
- crimp,
- crimson,
- culmination,
- cut,
- drill,
- empierce,
- extreme,
- extreme left-winger,
- extremist,
- extremistic,
- fiesta,
- fix,
- flesh,
- flesh color,
- flesh red,
- flush,
- flushed,
- fresh,
- fresh as April,
- gash,
- glow,
- gore,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- green,
- healthy,
- hearty,
- height,
- highest pitch,
- hole,
- honeycomb,
- impale,
- in good shape,
- in the pink,
- incarnadine,
- incise,
- indent,
- jag,
- knurl,
- lance,
- last word,
- left-wing extremist,
- livid pink,
- lunatic fringe,
- machicolate,
- mallow pink,
- mantle,
- melon,
- mild radical,
- mildly radical,
- mill,
- moonlight,
- ne plus ultra,
- needle,
- nick,
- nihilist,
- nihilistic,
- notch,
- orchid rose,
- parlor Bolshevik,
- parlor pink,
- peach,
- peachblossom pink,
- peak,
- penetrate,
- perfection,
- perforate,
- picot,
- pierce,
- pink of perfection,
- pinkish,
- pinkishness,
- pinkness,
- pinko,
- pinky,
- pinnacle,
- prick,
- primrose,
- punch,
- puncture,
- radical,
- ream,
- ream out,
- red,
- red pink,
- redden,
- revolutionary,
- revolutionist,
- riddle,
- rose,
- rose pink,
- rose-colored,
- rose-hued,
- rose-red,
- roseate,
- rosiness,
- rosy,
- rosy-cheeked,
- rouge,
- royal pink,
- ruddy,
- run through,
- salmon,
- sans-culotte,
- scallop,
- scarify,
- scarlet madder,
- score,
- scotch,
- serrate,
- shell pink,
- shocking pink,
- skewer,
- slash,
- spear,
- spike,
- spit,
- stab,
- stick,
- subversive,
- summit,
- syndicalist,
- tap,
- tea rose,
- tooth,
- top,
- transfix,
- transpierce,
- trepan,
- trephine,
- ultimate,
- ultra,
- ultraconservative,
- ultraist,
- ultraistic,
- up,
- yippie,
- youthful