Exact Match:
- poke
- tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous
- make a hole by poking
- stir by poking; "poke the embers in the fireplace"
- Roman candle,
- aid to navigation,
- alarm,
- amber light,
- amble,
- arouse,
- assault,
- awaken,
- bag,
- balefire,
- balloon,
- bang,
- bash,
- bat,
- beacon,
- beacon fire,
- bear,
- bear upon,
- bearing,
- beat the bushes,
- beat the drum,
- beating,
- beetle,
- bell,
- bell buoy,
- belt,
- biff,
- billfold,
- bladder,
- blinker,
- blockhead,
- blow,
- blue peter,
- bonk,
- boost,
- box,
- buck,
- buffet,
- bull,
- bulldoze,
- bump,
- bump against,
- bunt,
- buoy,
- burrow,
- busybody,
- butt,
- butt against,
- butt in,
- caution light,
- chaff,
- chop,
- chump,
- clap,
- claudicate,
- clip,
- clobber,
- clout,
- clump,
- coldcock,
- come in contact,
- crack,
- cram,
- crawl,
- creep,
- crowd,
- cuff,
- cut,
- cut and thrust,
- dally,
- dash,
- dawdle,
- deal,
- deal a blow,
- deck,
- delve,
- diddle,
- dig,
- dillydally,
- dimwit,
- dint,
- dip,
- dogtrot,
- dolt,
- doodle,
- dope,
- drag,
- drag along,
- drag out,
- drive,
- drub,
- drubbing,
- drumming,
- dumbbell,
- elbow,
- exchange colors,
- excite,
- explore,
- feel,
- feel of,
- feint,
- fetch,
- fetch a blow,
- finger,
- flag,
- flag down,
- flail at,
- flail away at,
- flare,
- flash,
- flick,
- flog,
- fob,
- fog bell,
- fog signal,
- fog whistle,
- foghorn,
- forage,
- force,
- frisk,
- fusillade,
- galvanize,
- give a signal,
- give the nod,
- glance,
- go dead slow,
- go light,
- go slow,
- go through,
- goad,
- gong buoy,
- green light,
- hail,
- hail and speak,
- half-mast,
- handbag,
- handle,
- head,
- heliograph,
- high sign,
- hit,
- hit a clip,
- hit at,
- hobble,
- hoist a banner,
- hunt,
- hurtle,
- hustle,
- idiot,
- idle,
- ignoramus,
- inch,
- inch along,
- interfere,
- international alphabet flag,
- international numeral pennant,
- intrude,
- investigate,
- jab,
- jam,
- jeer at,
- jog,
- jog-trot,
- joggle,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- jut,
- kick,
- kid,
- knock,
- knock cold,
- knock down,
- knock out,
- lag,
- lash,
- lash out at,
- laze,
- leer,
- let drive at,
- let fly at,
- let have it,
- lick,
- limp,
- linger,
- loiter,
- lollygag,
- look around,
- look round,
- look through,
- lunge at,
- make a sign,
- make fun of,
- manipulate,
- marker beacon,
- meddle,
- mock,
- money belt,
- money clip,
- moron,
- mosey,
- mouse,
- needle,
- nod,
- nose,
- nose around,
- nudge,
- overhang,
- palm,
- palpate,
- parachute flare,
- paste,
- paw,
- pelt,
- piddle,
- pile drive,
- pilot flag,
- plunk,
- ply,
- pocket,
- pocketbook,
- poke along,
- poke around,
- poke at,
- poke fun at,
- police whistle,
- porte-monnaie,
- pouch,
- pound,
- pout,
- press,
- pressure,
- prick,
- probe,
- procrastinate,
- prod,
- project,
- protrude,
- provoke,
- pry,
- punch,
- purse,
- purse strings,
- push,
- put off,
- quarantine flag,
- quicken,
- radio beacon,
- raise a cry,
- ram,
- ram down,
- rap,
- rattle,
- red flag,
- red light,
- research,
- rib,
- ridicule,
- rocket,
- root,
- rouse,
- run,
- run against,
- sac,
- sack,
- sailing aid,
- salute,
- saunter,
- search,
- search through,
- semaphore,
- semaphore flag,
- semaphore telegraph,
- send up,
- shake,
- shoulder,
- shove,
- shuffle along,
- sign,
- signal,
- signal beacon,
- signal bell,
- signal fire,
- signal flag,
- signal gong,
- signal gun,
- signal lamp,
- signal light,
- signal mast,
- signal post,
- signal rocket,
- signal shot,
- signal siren,
- signal tower,
- signalize,
- slam,
- slog,
- slug,
- smack,
- smash,
- smell around,
- smite,
- snap,
- snook,
- snoop,
- soak,
- sock,
- sound an alarm,
- sound the trumpet,
- spank,
- spar buoy,
- speak,
- spur,
- stab,
- stagger along,
- stand out,
- stick,
- stick out,
- stimulate,
- sting,
- stir,
- stop light,
- stress,
- strike,
- strike at,
- strike out at,
- stroke,
- stroll,
- swat,
- swing,
- swing at,
- swing on,
- swipe,
- tamp,
- tamper,
- tap,
- tarry,
- tattoo,
- taunt,
- tease,
- the nod,
- the wink,
- thrust,
- thrust at,
- thumb,
- thump,
- thwack,
- toddle,
- toddle along,
- totter along,
- touch,
- traffic light,
- traffic signal,
- trail,
- traipse,
- twiddle,
- twit,
- unfurl a flag,
- waddle,
- walk,
- wallet,
- wallop,
- watch fire,
- wave,
- wave a flag,
- wave the hand,
- whack,
- wham,
- whip,
- white flag,
- whop,
- wield,
- wigwag,
- wigwag flag,
- wink,
- worm,
- worm along,
- yellow flag,
- yerk