Exact Match:
- potent
- having a strong physiological or chemical effect; "a potent toxin"; "potent liquor"; "a potent cup of tea", "a stiff drink"
- (of a male) capable of copulation
- having or wielding force or authority; "providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons"
- having great influence
- absolute,
- amorous,
- armipotent,
- ascendant,
- authoritarian,
- authoritative,
- authorized,
- autocratic,
- beefy,
- bouncing,
- broad-shouldered,
- carnal,
- charismatic,
- charming,
- clothed with authority,
- cogent,
- commanding,
- compelling,
- competent,
- concentrated,
- consequential,
- considerable,
- controlling,
- convincing,
- dominant,
- doughty,
- duly constituted,
- dynamic,
- effective,
- effectual,
- efficacious,
- eminent,
- empowered,
- enchanting,
- energetic,
- erogenic,
- erogenous,
- erotic,
- erotogenic,
- estimable,
- ex officio,
- fleshly,
- forceful,
- forcible,
- forcy,
- formidable,
- full-blooded,
- full-bodied,
- full-strength,
- gamic,
- governing,
- great,
- gutsy,
- gutty,
- hairychested,
- hale,
- hard,
- hard as nails,
- hardy,
- he-mannish,
- hearty,
- hefty,
- hegemonic,
- hegemonistic,
- heterosexual,
- high-potency,
- high-powered,
- high-pressure,
- high-tension,
- husky,
- imperative,
- important,
- impressive,
- in force,
- in power,
- influential,
- iron-hard,
- irresistible,
- leading,
- libidinal,
- lusty,
- macho,
- magnetic,
- mighty,
- mighty in battle,
- momentous,
- monocratic,
- nervy,
- nuptial,
- obstinate,
- official,
- operative,
- oversexed,
- personable,
- persuasive,
- powerful,
- preeminent,
- prepotent,
- prestigious,
- procreative,
- prominent,
- puissant,
- ranking,
- red-blooded,
- reputable,
- robust,
- robustious,
- rugged,
- ruling,
- senior,
- sensual,
- sex,
- sexed,
- sexlike,
- sexual,
- sexy,
- sound,
- stalwart,
- steely,
- stout,
- straight,
- strapping,
- striking,
- strong,
- strong as brandy,
- strong as strong,
- strong-willed,
- sturdy,
- suasive,
- substantial,
- superior,
- supreme,
- telling,
- totalitarian,
- ultramasculine,
- undersexed,
- valid,
- venereal,
- vigorous,
- virile,
- viripotent,
- vital,
- voluptuous,
- weighty,
- winning