Exact Match:
- praise
- an expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work"
- offering words of homage as an act of worship; "they sang a hymn of praise to God"
- express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance"
- acclaim,
- acclamation,
- accolade,
- acknowledgment,
- adoration,
- adore,
- adulate,
- adulation,
- aggrandize,
- apotheosis,
- apotheosize,
- applaud,
- applause,
- approbation,
- approval,
- approve,
- belaud,
- benediction,
- bepraise,
- bepraisement,
- beslobber,
- beslubber,
- blandish,
- blandishment,
- blarney,
- bless,
- bless the Lord,
- blow up,
- boast of,
- brag about,
- bunkum,
- cajole,
- cajolement,
- cajolery,
- celebrate,
- citation,
- cite,
- cognizance,
- commend,
- commendation,
- compliment,
- compliments,
- conceit,
- congratulation,
- credit,
- crediting,
- crown,
- crown with laurel,
- cry up,
- decorate,
- deification,
- deify,
- devotion,
- dignify,
- distinguish,
- do honor,
- doxologize,
- eloge,
- emblazon,
- encomium,
- endorse,
- endorsement,
- enhance,
- ennoble,
- erect,
- eulogium,
- eulogize,
- eulogy,
- exalt,
- exaltation,
- excessive praise,
- extol,
- eyewash,
- fair words,
- fawn upon,
- fawning,
- flatter,
- flattery,
- glorification,
- glorify,
- glorify the Lord,
- glory,
- grace,
- grease,
- hail,
- hallow,
- heighten,
- hero worship,
- hero-worship,
- homage,
- hommage,
- honeyed phrases,
- honeyed words,
- honor,
- honorable mention,
- hosanna,
- hymn,
- hymn of praise,
- idolatry,
- idolize,
- idolizing,
- incense,
- intensify,
- kudos,
- laud,
- laudation,
- lionize,
- lionizing,
- magnification,
- magnify,
- make fair weather,
- make much of,
- meed of praise,
- mention,
- oil,
- oil the tongue,
- ovation,
- overpraise,
- paean,
- palaver,
- panegyric,
- panegyrize,
- pay homage to,
- pay regard to,
- pay tribute,
- pay tribute to,
- plaudits,
- porter aux nues,
- praise God,
- prayer of thanks,
- pretty lies,
- proclaim,
- psalm,
- psalmody,
- puff,
- puff up,
- recognition,
- recommend,
- render honor to,
- resound,
- revere,
- reverence,
- revile,
- salute,
- sing praises,
- slobber over,
- soap,
- soft soap,
- sublime,
- sweet nothings,
- sweet talk,
- sweet words,
- sycophancy,
- thank offering,
- thank-you,
- thanks,
- thanksgiving,
- tribute,
- trumpet,
- uprear,
- venerate,
- veneration,
- wheedle,
- wheedling,
- worship