- accomplishment,
- amperage,
- armipotence,
- ascendance,
- ascendancy,
- authority,
- balance of power,
- beef,
- black power,
- brute force,
- charge,
- charisma,
- clout,
- cogence,
- cogency,
- compulsion,
- deanship,
- dint,
- dominance,
- dominancy,
- domination,
- dominion,
- drive,
- duress,
- effect,
- effectiveness,
- effectuality,
- eminent domain,
- energy,
- excellence,
- favor,
- flower power,
- force,
- force majeure,
- forcefulness,
- full blast,
- full force,
- greatness,
- incomparability,
- influence,
- inimitability,
- lead,
- main force,
- main strength,
- majority,
- mana,
- masterdom,
- might,
- might and main,
- mightiness,
- moxie,
- muscle power,
- one-upmanship,
- overlordship,
- pizzazz,
- poop,
- potence,
- potency,
- potentiality,
- power,
- power pack,
- power structure,
- power struggle,
- powerfulness,
- precedence,
- predominance,
- predominancy,
- predomination,
- preeminence,
- preponderance,
- preponderancy,
- prepotence,
- prerogative,
- prestige,
- primacy,
- principality,
- priority,
- privilege,
- productiveness,
- productivity,
- puissance,
- pull,
- punch,
- push,
- right-of-way,
- seniority,
- sinew,
- skill,
- sovereignty,
- steam,
- strength,
- strong arm,
- success,
- superiority,
- superpower,
- supremacy,
- suzerainship,
- suzerainty,
- transcendence,
- transcendency,
- upper hand,
- validity,
- vehemence,
- vigor,
- vim,
- virility,
- virtue,
- virtuosity,
- virulence,
- vitality,
- wattage,
- weight,
- whip hand