- a la mode,
- actual,
- advanced,
- as is,
- avant-garde,
- being,
- contemporaneous,
- contemporary,
- current,
- existent,
- existing,
- extant,
- far out,
- fashionable,
- forward-looking,
- fresh,
- immanent,
- immediate,
- in,
- instant,
- latest,
- mod,
- modern,
- modernistic,
- modernized,
- modish,
- new,
- newfashioned,
- now,
- present,
- present-age,
- present-time,
- progressive,
- running,
- streamlined,
- that be,
- that is,
- topical,
- twentieth-century,
- ultra-ultra,
- ultramodern,
- up-to-date,
- up-to-datish,
- up-to-the-minute,
- way out