Exact Match:
- prohibitive
- tending to discourage (especially of prices); "the price was prohibitive"
- abusive,
- criminal,
- cutthroat,
- dear,
- deterrent,
- deterring,
- discouraging,
- ethnocentric,
- exacting,
- exceptional,
- excessive,
- excluding,
- exclusive,
- exclusory,
- exorbitant,
- extortionate,
- extravagant,
- fancy,
- forbidding,
- forestalling,
- gouging,
- grossly overpriced,
- high,
- immoderate,
- inadmissible,
- inflationary,
- inhibitive,
- inhibitory,
- inordinate,
- insular,
- insupportable,
- interdictive,
- interdictory,
- narrow,
- out of bounds,
- out of sight,
- outlandish,
- outrageous,
- overpriced,
- parochial,
- preclusive,
- preposterous,
- prescriptive,
- preventative,
- preventive,
- prohibiting,
- prohibitory,
- prophylactic,
- proscriptive,
- repressive,
- restraining,
- restrictive,
- seclusive,
- segregative,
- select,
- selective,
- separative,
- skyrocketing,
- snobbish,
- spiraling,
- suppressive,
- unconscionable,
- undue,
- unreasonable,
- unwarranted,
- usurious,
- xenophobic