Exact Match:
- prostration
- the act of assuming a prostrate position
- abject submission; the emotional equivalent of prostrating your body
- accubation,
- accumbency,
- aching heart,
- adoration,
- adulation,
- adynamia,
- agony,
- agony of mind,
- anemia,
- anguish,
- apple-polishing,
- ass-kissing,
- atony,
- backscratching,
- bale,
- bend,
- bending the knee,
- bitterness,
- blah feeling,
- bleeding heart,
- bloodlessness,
- bob,
- bootlicking,
- bouleversement,
- bow,
- bowing,
- bowing and scraping,
- breakdown,
- broken heart,
- brown-nosing,
- cachexia,
- cachexy,
- care,
- carking care,
- cave-in,
- circulatory collapse,
- co-worship,
- collapse,
- convulsion,
- couchancy,
- cowardice,
- crack-up,
- crackup,
- cringing,
- crouch,
- crushing,
- cult,
- cultism,
- cultus,
- curtsy,
- debasement,
- debilitation,
- debility,
- decumbency,
- deference,
- deflation,
- dejection,
- depression,
- depth of misery,
- desolation,
- despair,
- desperation,
- despondency,
- devotion,
- dipping the colors,
- downfall,
- draining,
- duck,
- dulia,
- dullness,
- enervation,
- etiolation,
- exhaustedness,
- exhaustion,
- extremity,
- faintness,
- fall,
- fatigue,
- fawnery,
- fawning,
- feebleness,
- flabbiness,
- flaccidity,
- flunkyism,
- footlicking,
- genuflection,
- grief,
- groveling,
- handshaking,
- heartache,
- heartfelt grief,
- heartgrief,
- heavy heart,
- homage,
- humiliation,
- hyperdulia,
- idolatry,
- implosion,
- impotence,
- inclination,
- infelicity,
- ingratiation,
- insinuation,
- kneeling,
- kowtow,
- kowtowing,
- lamentation,
- languishment,
- languor,
- lassitude,
- latria,
- listlessness,
- loll,
- lounging,
- lowness,
- lying,
- lying down,
- making a leg,
- mealymouthedness,
- melancholia,
- melancholy,
- misery,
- nervous breakdown,
- nervous exhaustion,
- nervous prostration,
- neurasthenia,
- nod,
- obeisance,
- obsequiousness,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- paralysis,
- parasitism,
- pining,
- presenting arms,
- proneness,
- reclination,
- reclining,
- recumbency,
- repose,
- respect,
- reverence,
- sabotage,
- sadness,
- salaam,
- salutation,
- salute,
- scrape,
- servility,
- shortness,
- sluggishness,
- softness,
- sorrow,
- sorrowing,
- sponging,
- sprawl,
- squat,
- squatness,
- squattiness,
- standing at attention,
- stoop,
- strengthlessness,
- stumpiness,
- subjacency,
- submission,
- submissiveness,
- subversion,
- suicidal despair,
- supination,
- supineness,
- sycophancy,
- timeserving,
- toadeating,
- toadying,
- toadyism,
- transcendent wonder,
- truckling,
- tufthunting,
- unhappiness,
- upheaval,
- upset,
- veneration,
- weakliness,
- weakness,
- weariness,
- woe,
- woefulness,
- worship,
- worshiping,
- wretchedness