in or to or toward the rear; "he followed behind"; "seen from behind, the house is more imposing than it is from the front"; "the final runners were far behind"
remaining in a place or condition that has been left or departed from; "when he died he left much unfinished work behind"; "left a large family behind"; "the children left their books behind"; "he took off with a squeal of tires and left the other cars far behind"
in debt; "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent"; "a company that has been run behindhand for years"; "in arrears with their utility bills"
in or into an inferior position; "fell behind in his studies"; "their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers"
of timepieces; "the clock is almost an hour slow"; "my watch is running behind"
obvious to the eye; "a visible change of expression"
capable of being seen; or open to easy view; "a visible object"; "visible stars"; "mountains visible in the distance"; "a visible change of expression"; "visible files"
a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery
painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery
an extensive mental viewpoint; "the political landscape looks bleak without a change of administration"; "we changed the landscape for solving the problem of payroll inequity"
an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view
do landscape gardening; "My sons landscapes for corporations and earns a good living"