Exact Match:
- register
- a regulator (as a sliding plate) for regulating the flow of air into a furnace or other heating device
- an air passage (usually in the floor or a wall of a room) for admitting or excluding heated air from the room
- (computer science) memory device that is the part of computer memory that has a specific address and that is used to hold information of a specific kind
- (music) the timbre that is characteristic of a certain range and manner of production of the human voice or of different pipe organ stops or of different musical instruments
- an official written record of names or events or transactions
- a book in which names and transactions are listed
- enter into someone's consciousness; "Did this event register in your parents' minds?"
- send by registered mail; "I'd like to register this letter"
- manipulate the registers of an organ
- show in one's face; "Her surprise did not register"
- enroll to vote; "register for an election"
- record in writing; enter into a book of names or events or transactions
- English horn,
- French pitch,
- accord,
- account,
- account book,
- accountant,
- accounts payable ledger,
- accounts receivable ledger,
- act,
- act as foil,
- active list,
- adversaria,
- advise,
- agree,
- aide-memoire,
- amanuensis,
- annals,
- annotation,
- answer to,
- appear,
- archives,
- archivist,
- arm,
- armor,
- assail the ear,
- assent,
- assort with,
- balance sheet,
- bank ledger,
- bankbook,
- barnstorm,
- bassoon,
- be consistent,
- be glimpsed,
- be heard,
- be of one,
- be uniform with,
- betray,
- blacklist,
- bless,
- block flute,
- bombard,
- book,
- booking,
- bookkeeper,
- books,
- bound,
- bourdon,
- calendar,
- card ledger,
- caress the ear,
- carry,
- carve,
- cash register,
- cashbook,
- catalog,
- cataloging,
- catalogue,
- catch a likeness,
- cello,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- champion,
- character,
- characterize,
- chart,
- check,
- check in,
- check sheet,
- checklist,
- chime,
- chromatic scale,
- chronicle,
- chronicling,
- chronology,
- civil list,
- claribel,
- clarinet,
- clarion,
- classical pitch,
- clerk,
- cloak,
- clock card,
- cohere,
- coincide,
- come home to,
- come out,
- communicate,
- compass,
- compass about,
- concert flute,
- concur,
- condition,
- confine,
- conform,
- conform with,
- conserve,
- consist with,
- contact,
- contain,
- cooperate,
- copyright,
- cornet,
- cornopean,
- correspond,
- correspondence,
- cost card,
- cost ledger,
- cost sheet,
- cover,
- cromorna,
- cushion,
- cut,
- cymbel,
- date slip,
- datebook,
- dawn on,
- daybook,
- defend,
- delineate,
- depict,
- depth,
- diagram,
- diapason,
- diary,
- directory,
- discipline,
- display,
- divulge,
- docket,
- documentalist,
- documentation,
- dodecuple scale,
- dovetail,
- draw,
- draw the line,
- dulciana,
- emote,
- emotionalize,
- engrave,
- engraver,
- enharmonic scale,
- enlistment,
- enroll,
- enrollment,
- enscroll,
- ensure,
- enter,
- entering,
- entry,
- enumerate,
- enumeration,
- exhibit,
- express,
- factory ledger,
- fall in together,
- fence,
- fend,
- file,
- filing clerk,
- fill out,
- fit together,
- flute stop,
- footnote,
- foundation stop,
- fourniture,
- gain a hearing,
- gamba,
- gamut,
- gedeckt,
- gemshorn,
- get across,
- get over,
- get through to,
- get to,
- get top billing,
- go together,
- go with,
- grave,
- great scale,
- guarantee,
- guard,
- hang together,
- harbor,
- harmonic flute,
- harmonize,
- haven,
- hedge about,
- height,
- high pitch,
- history,
- hit,
- hit off,
- hold together,
- hybrid stop,
- impanel,
- impanelment,
- impress,
- incise,
- index,
- indexing,
- indicate,
- inscribe,
- inscribing,
- inscription,
- insert,
- insertion,
- insure,
- interlock,
- intersect,
- inventory,
- inventorying,
- item,
- itemization,
- itemize,
- items,
- jibe,
- jot down,
- jotting,
- journal,
- keep,
- keep alive,
- keep from harm,
- keep intact,
- keep inviolate,
- keep safe,
- keep score,
- keep up,
- key,
- koppel flute,
- larigot,
- ledger,
- letters,
- librarian,
- limit,
- limn,
- list,
- listing,
- lock,
- log,
- logbook,
- logging,
- low pitch,
- maintain,
- major scale,
- make a memorandum,
- make a note,
- make an entry,
- make an impression,
- make known,
- make oneself heard,
- make out,
- make safe,
- manifest,
- map,
- marginal note,
- marginalia,
- mark,
- mark down,
- marker,
- match,
- matriculate,
- matriculation,
- measure,
- melodia,
- melodic minor,
- memo,
- memoir,
- memorandum,
- memorial,
- mime,
- minor scale,
- minute,
- minutes,
- mixture,
- moderate,
- mutation stop,
- narrow,
- nazard,
- nestle,
- new philharmonic pitch,
- not destroy,
- not endanger,
- not expend,
- not use up,
- not waste,
- notary,
- notary public,
- notate,
- notation,
- note,
- note down,
- oboe,
- occur to,
- octave,
- octave scale,
- organ stop,
- overlap,
- paint,
- pantomime,
- parallel,
- passbook,
- patent,
- patter,
- penetrate,
- pentatonic scale,
- perform,
- philharmonic pitch,
- philosophical pitch,
- piccolo,
- picture,
- picturize,
- pigeonhole,
- pipe roll,
- pitch,
- place upon record,
- play,
- play the lead,
- playact,
- plein jeu,
- point to,
- police,
- poll,
- portray,
- posaune,
- post,
- post up,
- posting,
- preserve,
- principal,
- print,
- program,
- protect,
- prothonotary,
- purchase ledger,
- put down,
- put in writing,
- put on paper,
- put on tape,
- qualify,
- quint,
- quintaten,
- radius,
- range,
- rank,
- ranket,
- reach,
- reach the ear,
- read,
- record,
- record book,
- record clerk,
- record keeping,
- recordation,
- recorder,
- recording,
- recording instruments,
- recordist,
- reduce to writing,
- reed stop,
- reflect,
- register with,
- registrar,
- registration,
- registry,
- relic,
- remains,
- reminder,
- render,
- repertory,
- report,
- represent,
- respond to,
- restrain,
- restrict,
- retired list,
- reveal,
- ride shotgun for,
- rohr flute,
- roll,
- roll call,
- rolls,
- roster,
- rota,
- rub,
- safeguard,
- sales journal,
- sales ledger,
- save,
- say,
- scale,
- scant,
- schedule,
- schematize,
- scholia,
- scholium,
- scope,
- score,
- scorekeeper,
- scorer,
- screen,
- scribe,
- scrivener,
- scroll,
- secretary,
- secure,
- sesquialtera,
- set down,
- shawm,
- shelter,
- shield,
- show,
- shroud,
- sick list,
- sign in,
- sign on,
- sing in chorus,
- sink in,
- sketch,
- soak in,
- sort with,
- spare,
- specialize,
- specify,
- spectrum,
- spitz flute,
- square,
- square with,
- stand together,
- standard pitch,
- star,
- steal the show,
- stenographer,
- stint,
- stock ledger,
- stonecutter,
- stooge,
- stop,
- stopped diapason,
- stopped flute,
- stores ledger,
- straiten,
- stretch,
- string diapason,
- string stop,
- support,
- suspense ledger,
- sustain,
- sweep,
- symbolize,
- table,
- tabulate,
- tabulation,
- take a rubbing,
- take down,
- take note of,
- tally,
- tally sheet,
- tape,
- tape-record,
- temperament,
- tierce,
- till,
- time book,
- time chart,
- time scale,
- time schedule,
- time sheet,
- time study,
- timecard,
- timekeeper,
- timetable,
- token,
- tonality,
- tone,
- trace,
- trace out,
- trace over,
- transmit,
- tread the boards,
- tremolo,
- trombone,
- troupe,
- trumpet,
- tune,
- tuning,
- twelfth,
- unda maris,
- underwrite,
- uphold,
- upstage,
- vestige,
- vibrato,
- videotape,
- viola,
- voix celeste,
- vox angelica,
- vox humana,
- whole-tone scale,
- write,
- write down,
- write in,
- write out,
- write up