Exact Match:
- revival
- bringing again into activity and prominence; "the revival of trade"; "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere"; "the Gothic revival in architecture"
- an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion
- Great Leap Forward,
- Mass,
- about-face,
- accommodation,
- adaptation,
- adjustment,
- advance,
- advancement,
- alteration,
- amelioration,
- amendment,
- animation,
- apostasy,
- ascent,
- awakening,
- bedtime prayer,
- bettering,
- betterment,
- bibliolatry,
- boost,
- bracer,
- bracing,
- break,
- camp meeting,
- change,
- change of allegiance,
- change of heart,
- change of mind,
- changeableness,
- charismatic gift,
- charismatic movement,
- charismatic renewal,
- church,
- church service,
- comeback,
- compline,
- constructive change,
- continuity,
- conversion,
- copy,
- cordial,
- defection,
- degeneration,
- degenerative change,
- deterioration,
- deviation,
- devotions,
- difference,
- discontinuity,
- divergence,
- diversification,
- diversion,
- diversity,
- divine service,
- duplication,
- duty,
- energizing,
- enhancement,
- enlivenment,
- enrichment,
- escalation,
- eugenics,
- euthenics,
- evening devotions,
- evensong,
- exercises,
- exhilaration,
- fanaticism,
- fitting,
- flip-flop,
- furtherance,
- gift of tongues,
- glossolalia,
- gradual change,
- headway,
- imitation,
- improvement,
- increase,
- invigoration,
- lauds,
- lift,
- liturgy,
- looking back,
- matins,
- meeting,
- melioration,
- memory,
- mend,
- mending,
- mitigation,
- modification,
- modulation,
- morning devotions,
- new birth,
- night song,
- none,
- nones,
- novena,
- office,
- overdevoutness,
- overpiousness,
- overreligiousness,
- overrighteousness,
- overthrow,
- overzealousness,
- palingenesis,
- palingenesy,
- pentecostalism,
- pick-me-up,
- pickup,
- praise meeting,
- prayer,
- prayer meeting,
- prayers,
- preferment,
- prime,
- prime song,
- progress,
- progression,
- promotion,
- public worship,
- qualification,
- quickening,
- radical change,
- ransom,
- re-creation,
- re-formation,
- realignment,
- reanimation,
- rebirth,
- rebuilding,
- recapture,
- reclaiming,
- reclamation,
- recollection,
- reconstitution,
- reconstruction,
- recoup,
- recoupment,
- recovery,
- recreation,
- recrudescence,
- recuperation,
- redemption,
- redesign,
- redoing,
- reedition,
- reestablishment,
- reexperiencing,
- refashioning,
- refection,
- reform,
- reformation,
- refreshing,
- refreshment,
- regainment,
- regale,
- regalement,
- regeneracy,
- regenerateness,
- regeneration,
- regenesis,
- reinstitution,
- reinvigoration,
- reissue,
- rejuvenation,
- rejuvenescence,
- reliving,
- remaking,
- remembrance,
- reminiscence,
- renaissance,
- renascence,
- renewal,
- renovation,
- reoccupation,
- reorganization,
- repetition,
- replevin,
- replevy,
- repossession,
- reprinting,
- reproduction,
- reshaping,
- restoration,
- restructuring,
- resumption,
- resurgence,
- resurrection,
- resuscitation,
- retake,
- retaking,
- retrieval,
- retrieve,
- retrospection,
- return,
- returning,
- reversal,
- revindication,
- revision,
- revitalization,
- revival meeting,
- revivalism,
- revivescence,
- revivescency,
- revivification,
- revolution,
- rise,
- salvage,
- sanctimony,
- second wind,
- second youth,
- service,
- sext,
- shift,
- stimulation,
- sudden change,
- switch,
- tent meeting,
- tierce,
- tonic,
- total change,
- transition,
- trover,
- turn,
- turnabout,
- undersong,
- upbeat,
- upheaval,
- uplift,
- upping,
- upsurge,
- upswing,
- uptrend,
- upturn,
- upward mobility,
- variation,
- variety,
- vesper,
- vespers,
- vigils,
- violent change,
- vitalization,
- vivification,
- watch meeting,
- watch night,
- watch-night service,
- worsening,
- youth,
- zeal,
- zealotism,
- zealotry,
- zealousness