Exact Match:
- revive
- restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; "He revived this style of opera"; "He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"
- be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength; "Interest in ESP revived"
- abet,
- accommodate,
- activate,
- adapt,
- adjust,
- aid,
- alter,
- ameliorate,
- animate,
- arouse,
- assist,
- avail,
- awake,
- awaken,
- bail out,
- be begotten,
- be born,
- be changed,
- be converted into,
- be incarnated,
- be renewed,
- bear a hand,
- befriend,
- benefit,
- better,
- bottom out,
- bounce back,
- brace,
- brace up,
- break,
- break up,
- breathe life into,
- brighten up,
- bring around,
- bring back,
- bring to,
- bring to mind,
- brisk,
- brisken,
- brush up,
- buck up,
- call back,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- change,
- checker,
- cheer,
- cheer up,
- chirk up,
- chop,
- chop and change,
- come about,
- come again,
- come alive,
- come around,
- come back,
- come into being,
- come into existence,
- come round,
- come to,
- come to life,
- come up smiling,
- comfort,
- conjure up,
- convert,
- copy,
- deform,
- degenerate,
- denature,
- deteriorate,
- deviate,
- ditto,
- diverge,
- diversify,
- do a repeat,
- do again,
- do good,
- do over,
- doctor,
- double,
- duplicate,
- ease,
- echo,
- energize,
- enliven,
- evoke,
- exhilarate,
- favor,
- fillip,
- fit,
- fix,
- flop,
- fortify,
- fresh up,
- freshen,
- freshen up,
- furbish,
- furbish up,
- gain,
- galvanize,
- get about,
- get back,
- get over,
- get well,
- give a boost,
- give a hand,
- give a lift,
- give help,
- go back,
- go back over,
- hark back,
- haul around,
- help,
- imitate,
- improve,
- infuse life into,
- invigorate,
- jazz up,
- jibe,
- lend a hand,
- lend one aid,
- light up,
- live again,
- look back,
- make a comeback,
- make over,
- meliorate,
- mind,
- mitigate,
- modify,
- modulate,
- mutate,
- overthrow,
- parrot,
- perk up,
- pick up,
- pique,
- plagiarize,
- polish,
- polish up,
- proffer aid,
- protect,
- provoke,
- pull round,
- pull through,
- qualify,
- quicken,
- quote,
- rally,
- ransom,
- re-create,
- re-form,
- reactivate,
- realign,
- reanimate,
- rebuild,
- recall,
- recall to life,
- recall to mind,
- recapture,
- recharge,
- reclaim,
- recollect,
- reconstitute,
- reconstruct,
- recoup,
- recover,
- recreate,
- recruit,
- recuperate,
- redeem,
- redesign,
- redo,
- redouble,
- reduplicate,
- reecho,
- reestablish,
- reevoke,
- refashion,
- refit,
- reflect,
- reform,
- refound,
- refresh,
- refreshen,
- regain,
- regale,
- regenerate,
- regurgitate,
- reheat the ashes,
- reincarnate,
- reinspire,
- reinstate,
- reinstitute,
- reinvigorate,
- reissue,
- rejuvenate,
- rekindle,
- relieve,
- relight,
- remake,
- remedy,
- remember,
- render assistance,
- renew,
- renovate,
- reoccupy,
- reopen,
- reorganize,
- repair,
- repeat,
- replevin,
- replevy,
- repossess,
- reprint,
- reproduce,
- rescue,
- reshape,
- restore,
- restructure,
- resume,
- resurge,
- resurrect,
- resuscitate,
- retake,
- retouch,
- retrace,
- retrieve,
- retrospect,
- return to life,
- revamp,
- review,
- review in retrospect,
- revindicate,
- revise,
- revitalize,
- revivify,
- rewarm,
- ring the changes,
- rise again,
- rub up,
- save,
- say again,
- see in retrospect,
- see the light,
- set up,
- sharpen,
- shift,
- shift the scene,
- shine,
- shuffle the cards,
- spruce,
- spruce up,
- stimulate,
- stir the embers,
- subvert,
- succor,
- summon up,
- survive,
- swerve,
- tack,
- take a turn,
- take back,
- take heart,
- take in tow,
- think back,
- think of,
- tone up,
- touch up,
- turn,
- turn aside,
- turn into,
- turn the corner,
- turn the scale,
- turn the tables,
- turn the tide,
- turn upside down,
- undergo a change,
- use hindsight,
- vamp,
- vamp up,
- vary,
- veer,
- vitalize,
- vivify,
- wake up,
- waken,
- warm over,
- warm up,
- warp,
- weather the storm,
- whet,
- work a change,
- worsen