Exact Match:
- rod
- any rod-shaped bacterium
- a long thin implement made of metal or wood
- visual receptor cell sensitive to dim light
- Maypole,
- atomic pile,
- automatic,
- bar,
- baton,
- billet,
- birch,
- blowgun,
- blowpipe,
- breeder reactor,
- bricks,
- caduceus,
- cane,
- cap of dignity,
- cap of maintenance,
- castigation,
- chain of office,
- chain reactor,
- chain-reacting pile,
- chastisement,
- club,
- coronet,
- correction,
- crook,
- crosier,
- cross-staff,
- crown,
- diadem,
- discipline,
- ermine,
- fasces,
- fast pile,
- ferule,
- firearm,
- flagstaff,
- flamethrower,
- furnace,
- gat,
- gavel,
- great seal,
- gun,
- handgun,
- heater,
- heterogeneous reactor,
- homogeneous reactor,
- ingot,
- intermediate pile,
- lattice,
- mace,
- mantle,
- musket,
- neutron factory,
- nuclear furnace,
- orb,
- paddle,
- pandybat,
- peashooter,
- piece,
- pile,
- pistol,
- plutonium reactor,
- pole,
- portfolio,
- power reactor,
- power-breeder reactor,
- privy seal,
- province,
- punition,
- purple,
- purple pall,
- radioactive waste,
- rattan,
- reactor,
- reactor pile,
- regalia,
- repeater,
- revolver,
- rifle,
- robe of state,
- rod of empire,
- rod of office,
- rods,
- royal crown,
- ruler,
- sawed-off shotgun,
- scape,
- scepter,
- seal,
- shaft,
- shooting iron,
- shotgun,
- signet,
- six-gun,
- six-shooter,
- slab,
- slow pile,
- staff,
- stalk,
- stellarator,
- stem,
- stick,
- strip,
- switch,
- tiara,
- tongue,
- totem pole,
- triple plume,
- truncheon,
- uraeus,
- uranium reactor,
- wand,
- wand of office