Exact Match:
- sameness
- the quality of being alike; "sameness of purpose kept them together"
- accordance,
- agreement,
- alikeness,
- alliance,
- analogy,
- aping,
- approach,
- approximation,
- assimilation,
- broken record,
- clockwork regularity,
- closeness,
- coequality,
- coincidence,
- community,
- comparability,
- comparison,
- conformity,
- congruence,
- constancy,
- copying,
- correspondence,
- daily round,
- dingdong,
- drone,
- equality,
- equivalence,
- equivalency,
- even pace,
- even tenor,
- homogeneity,
- homoousia,
- humdrum,
- identity,
- imitation,
- indistinguishability,
- invariability,
- irk,
- irksomeness,
- likeness,
- likening,
- metaphor,
- mimicking,
- monologue,
- monotone,
- monotonousness,
- monotony,
- nearness,
- no difference,
- oneness,
- orderliness,
- par,
- parallelism,
- parity,
- regularity,
- resemblance,
- sameliness,
- self-identity,
- selfhood,
- selfness,
- selfsameness,
- semblance,
- similarity,
- simile,
- similitude,
- simulation,
- singsong,
- smoothness,
- synonymity,
- synonymousness,
- synonymy,
- tedium,
- the beaten track,
- the daily round,
- the round,
- the squirrel cage,
- the treadmill,
- the weary round,
- treadmill,
- undeviation,
- undifferentiation,
- uniformity,
- unity,
- unvariation,
- wearisome sameness