Exact Match:
- secure
- free from fear or doubt; easy in mind; "secure himself, he went out of his way to help others"
- free from danger or risk; "secure from harm"; "his fortune was secure"; "made a secure place for himself in his field"
- not likely to fail or give way; "the lock was secure"; "a secure foundation"; "a secure hold on her wrist"
- assure payment of
- accept,
- acquire,
- admit,
- advocate,
- affix,
- anchor,
- anchored,
- annex,
- arm,
- armor,
- arouse,
- arrogant,
- arrogate,
- ascertained,
- assume,
- assumed,
- assure,
- assured,
- attach,
- attest,
- attested,
- back,
- bag,
- balanced,
- bang,
- bar,
- barricade,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be seized of,
- be sponsor for,
- belay,
- believing,
- bind,
- bless,
- bolt,
- bond,
- bonded,
- bridle,
- bring,
- bring back,
- bring forth,
- bring out,
- bring to light,
- bulwark,
- button,
- button up,
- calculable,
- call a strike,
- call for,
- call forth,
- call it quits,
- call out,
- call up,
- capture,
- catch,
- cement,
- cemented,
- certain,
- certified,
- certify,
- chain,
- champion,
- chase after,
- choke,
- choke off,
- cinch,
- clamp,
- clap,
- clinch,
- cloak,
- close,
- close down,
- close shop,
- close up,
- closed,
- cocksure,
- collar,
- come by,
- come in for,
- come into,
- compass about,
- confident,
- confirm,
- constrict,
- contain,
- contract,
- convinced,
- cool,
- copyright,
- corral,
- cosy,
- countersecure,
- cover,
- cramp,
- cushion,
- decided,
- deduce,
- defend,
- definite,
- dependable,
- derive,
- derive from,
- determinate,
- determined,
- devout,
- dogmatic,
- doubtless,
- drag down,
- drag out,
- draw,
- draw forth,
- draw from,
- draw out,
- earn,
- easy,
- educe,
- elicit,
- enchain,
- endorse,
- engraft,
- ensure,
- ensured,
- enter into possession,
- entrammel,
- established,
- evident,
- evoke,
- faithful,
- faithworthy,
- fast,
- fasten,
- fasten down,
- fastened,
- fence,
- fend,
- fetch,
- fetch and carry,
- fetter,
- fideistic,
- fiducial,
- firm,
- firm as Gibraltar,
- fix,
- fixed,
- flank,
- fold,
- fold up,
- gain,
- get,
- get from,
- get hold of,
- get out of,
- glued,
- go after,
- go and get,
- go fetch,
- go for,
- go get,
- go on strike,
- go to get,
- good,
- graft,
- grapple,
- guarantee,
- guaranteed,
- guaranty,
- guard,
- guard against,
- gyve,
- hamper,
- handcuff,
- harbor,
- harvest,
- have,
- have coming in,
- haven,
- healthy,
- hobble,
- hog-tie,
- hopple,
- hubristic,
- hypothecate,
- immovable,
- immune,
- immunized,
- imperturbable,
- impressed with,
- in equilibrium,
- in the bag,
- induce,
- inevitable,
- insure,
- insured,
- intact,
- invincible,
- jammed,
- keep,
- keep from harm,
- key,
- knit,
- knock off,
- lash,
- latch,
- lay off,
- leash,
- lock,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- locked up,
- made sure,
- make,
- make fast,
- make safe,
- make secure,
- make sure,
- manacle,
- moor,
- moored,
- nail,
- nailed down,
- nestle,
- net,
- obtain,
- obvious,
- occlude,
- on ice,
- open-and-shut,
- overconfident,
- oversure,
- overweening,
- padlock,
- patent,
- peg down,
- persuaded,
- pick up,
- picket,
- pietistic,
- pin down,
- pinion,
- pious,
- pistic,
- plumb,
- poised,
- police,
- pompous,
- positive,
- predictable,
- prehend,
- preserve,
- probable,
- procure,
- produce,
- profitable,
- protect,
- protected,
- proud,
- proved,
- pull down,
- put in irons,
- put to,
- reap,
- reassured,
- receive,
- register,
- reliable,
- restrain,
- retrieve,
- ride shotgun for,
- rivet,
- rope,
- rouse,
- run after,
- sack,
- safe,
- safe and sound,
- safeguard,
- sanguine,
- satisfied,
- score,
- screen,
- screw up,
- seal,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- self,
- self-assured,
- self-confident,
- self-important,
- self-reliant,
- set,
- set to,
- settled,
- shackle,
- shag,
- shelter,
- sheltered,
- shield,
- shielded,
- shroud,
- shut,
- shut down,
- shut the door,
- shut up,
- shut up shop,
- sign,
- sign for,
- slam,
- snap,
- snug,
- sold on,
- solid,
- sound,
- sponsor,
- squeeze shut,
- stable,
- stand behind,
- stand up for,
- stated,
- staunch,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- stimulate,
- straitjacket,
- strangle,
- strap,
- strike,
- strong,
- stuck,
- sturdy,
- subscribe to,
- substantial,
- summon forth,
- summon up,
- sure,
- surefire,
- take,
- take in,
- take on,
- take over,
- take possession of,
- taped,
- tested,
- tether,
- tie,
- tie down,
- tie up,
- tight,
- tighten,
- trammel,
- trice up,
- tried,
- trim,
- trustworthy,
- trusty,
- unafraid,
- undamaged,
- under the impression,
- undersign,
- underwrite,
- undoubtful,
- undoubting,
- unexposed,
- unfailing,
- unfaltering,
- unflappable,
- unflinching,
- unharmed,
- unhesitating,
- unhurt,
- unquestionable,
- unscathed,
- unshakable,
- unthreatened,
- untouched,
- unwavering,
- walk out,
- wangle,
- wangle out of,
- warrant,
- warranted,
- wedged,
- well-balanced,
- well-founded,
- well-grounded,
- win,
- winkle out,
- without nerves,
- worm out,
- worm out of,
- zip up,
- zipper