(physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body
the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member; if a man's wife is abducted it is a crime against the family relationship and against the wife
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
the removal of an opponent's piece from the chess board
the act of taking of a person by force
any process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particle
a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational field
capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping; "I caught a rabbit in the trap toady"
succeed in representing or expressing something intangible; "capture the essence of Spring"; "capture an idea"
attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"
bring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit; "This nucleus has captured the slow-moving neutrons"; "The star captured a comet"
an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result); "how you can do that is beyond my comprehension"; "he was famous for his comprehension of American literature"
a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100)