- A,
- Godspeed,
- adieu,
- air-express,
- airfreight,
- airmail,
- aloha,
- alpha,
- beat back,
- begin,
- beginning,
- blast away,
- blast off,
- blast-off,
- bow out,
- brush off,
- bundle,
- bundle off,
- chase,
- chase away,
- chase off,
- commence,
- commencement,
- conge,
- consign,
- creation,
- cut,
- cutting edge,
- dawn,
- dismiss,
- dispatch,
- dive in,
- doch-an-dorrach,
- drive away,
- drive back,
- drop a letter,
- edge,
- embark,
- establishment,
- expedite,
- export,
- express,
- fall to,
- farewell,
- fend off,
- float,
- flying start,
- forward,
- foundation,
- freight,
- fresh start,
- get to,
- give a start,
- give the air,
- give the gate,
- go ahead,
- good-bye,
- head into,
- hold off,
- hustle out,
- institution,
- jump off,
- jump-off,
- keep off,
- kick off,
- kick-off,
- launch,
- leading edge,
- leave,
- leave-taking,
- mail,
- new departure,
- oncoming,
- onset,
- opening,
- origin,
- origination,
- outbreak,
- outset,
- pack off,
- parting,
- parting words,
- pitch in,
- plunge into,
- post,
- push back,
- put back,
- put in motion,
- rebuff,
- refuse,
- remit,
- repel,
- repulse,
- running start,
- send,
- send away,
- send forth,
- send packing,
- set about,
- set afloat,
- set agoing,
- set going,
- set in,
- set in motion,
- set on foot,
- set out,
- set sail,
- set to,
- setting in motion,
- setting-up,
- ship,
- show the door,
- show the gate,
- snub,
- spurn,
- square one,
- start,
- start going,
- start in,
- start off,
- start out,
- start up,
- start-off,
- starting point,
- stirrup cup,
- take off,
- take-off,
- thrust back,
- transmit,
- turn away,
- turn back,
- turn off,
- turn to,
- valediction,
- valedictorian,
- valedictory,
- valedictory address,
- viaticum,
- ward off