- armory,
- badge,
- badge of office,
- badges,
- baton,
- blazonry,
- brassard,
- button,
- cap and gown,
- chain,
- chain of office,
- class ring,
- clover,
- cockade,
- collar,
- cross,
- decoration,
- deuce-ace,
- dress,
- eagle,
- emblems,
- ensigns,
- fasces,
- figurehead,
- fleur-de-lis,
- hammer and sickle,
- heraldry,
- insignia,
- lapel pin,
- leash,
- livery,
- mace,
- mantle,
- markings,
- medal,
- mortarboard,
- old school tie,
- pin,
- regalia,
- ring,
- rose,
- school ring,
- set of three,
- sigillography,
- skull and crossbones,
- sphragistics,
- staff,
- swastika,
- tartan,
- tercet,
- ternary,
- ternion,
- terzetto,
- thistle,
- three,
- threesome,
- tie,
- tierce,
- trefoil,
- trey,
- triad,
- trialogue,
- triangle,
- tricorn,
- trident,
- triennium,
- trihedron,
- trilogy,
- trimester,
- trine,
- trinity,
- trinomial,
- trio,
- triphthong,
- triple crown,
- triple threat,
- triplet,
- triplopy,
- tripod,
- triptych,
- trireme,
- triseme,
- triskelion,
- trisul,
- triumvirate,
- triunity,
- trivet,
- troika,
- uniform,
- verge,
- wand