Exact Match:
- slash
- a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument
- an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind)
- cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"
- cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
- cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
- Vandyke,
- abbreviate,
- abrade,
- abrasion,
- abridge,
- amputate,
- assail,
- attack,
- ax,
- band,
- bar,
- bark,
- beat,
- beat down,
- bend,
- bias,
- bisect,
- blaze,
- blemish,
- blister,
- bloody,
- breach,
- break,
- breakage,
- burn,
- burr,
- burst,
- butcher,
- carve,
- castigate,
- catercorner,
- chafe,
- cheapen,
- cheapening,
- check,
- chip,
- chiseling,
- chop,
- claw,
- cleave,
- cleft,
- clip,
- concussion,
- crack,
- crackle,
- craze,
- crenellate,
- crenulate,
- crimp,
- cross-hatching,
- curtail,
- cut,
- cut across,
- cut away,
- cut back,
- cut crosswise,
- cut down,
- cut in two,
- cut off,
- cut prices,
- dash,
- decline,
- decrease,
- deflate,
- deflation,
- delineation,
- demitint,
- depreciate,
- depreciation,
- devaluate,
- devaluation,
- diagonal,
- diagonalize,
- dichotomize,
- dissever,
- dive,
- dotted line,
- drop,
- engravement,
- engraving,
- etch,
- etching,
- excise,
- excoriate,
- fall,
- fall in price,
- fissure,
- flagellate,
- flail,
- flash burn,
- flay,
- flog,
- fracture,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- fret,
- fustigate,
- gall,
- gap,
- gash,
- gem-engraving,
- give way,
- glass-cutting,
- glyptic,
- gouge,
- graving,
- hachure,
- hack,
- hackle,
- haggle,
- hairline,
- half tint,
- halve,
- hatching,
- hew,
- horsewhip,
- hurt,
- incise,
- incision,
- indent,
- injure,
- injury,
- inscript,
- inscription,
- jag,
- jew down,
- jigsaw,
- knife,
- knurl,
- lacerate,
- laceration,
- lambaste,
- lance,
- lash,
- lesion,
- line,
- lineation,
- lining,
- lower,
- lowering,
- machicolate,
- maim,
- make mincemeat of,
- mark down,
- markdown,
- marking,
- maul,
- mill,
- mortal wound,
- mutilate,
- mutilation,
- nick,
- nose dive,
- nose-dive,
- notch,
- oblique,
- oblique angle,
- oblique figure,
- oblique line,
- pare,
- picot,
- pierce,
- pink,
- plummet,
- plummeting,
- plunge,
- price cut,
- price fall,
- price reduction,
- prune,
- puncture,
- reduce,
- reduction,
- rend,
- rent,
- retrench,
- rhomboid,
- rift,
- rip,
- rive,
- roast,
- run,
- rupture,
- sag,
- savage,
- saw,
- scald,
- scale,
- scallop,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scathe,
- scissor,
- scorch,
- score,
- scoring,
- scotch,
- scourge,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- scratch comma,
- scratching,
- scuff,
- second-degree burn,
- separatrix,
- serrate,
- sever,
- shave,
- skin,
- skin alive,
- slant,
- slant across,
- slash across,
- slashing,
- slice,
- slit,
- slump,
- snip,
- solidus,
- sore,
- splinter,
- split,
- sprain,
- stab,
- stab wound,
- stick,
- stipple,
- stippling,
- strain,
- streak,
- streaking,
- striation,
- strip,
- stripe,
- striping,
- stroke,
- sublineation,
- sunder,
- tear,
- third-degree burn,
- thrash,
- tint,
- tooling,
- tooth,
- transverse,
- trauma,
- traumatize,
- trim,
- trounce,
- type-cutting,
- underline,
- underlining,
- underscore,
- underscoring,
- virgule,
- whip,
- whittle,
- wound,
- wounds immedicable,
- wrench