- beam,
- beaming,
- beatific,
- beatified,
- blessed,
- blissful,
- blithe,
- blithesome,
- bright,
- bright and sunny,
- bright smile,
- broad grin,
- capering,
- cheerful,
- cheery,
- chirping,
- dancing,
- ear-to-ear grin,
- elated,
- eupeptic,
- euphoric,
- exalted,
- exhilarated,
- flushed,
- flushed with joy,
- gay,
- genial,
- glad,
- gladsome,
- gleaming smile,
- glowing,
- glowing smile,
- grin,
- grinning,
- happy,
- high,
- hopeful,
- idiotic grin,
- in good spirits,
- in high spirits,
- irrepressible,
- joyful,
- joyous,
- laughing,
- leaping,
- of good cheer,
- optimistic,
- pleasant,
- purring,
- radiant,
- riant,
- rosy,
- sanguine,
- sanguineous,
- sardonic grin,
- simper,
- singing,
- smile,
- smirk,
- smirking,
- sparkling,
- starry-eyed,
- stupid grin,
- sunny,
- thrice happy,
- toothful grin,
- winsome