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Wordage.info / sound

Exact Match:

the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause; "the sound of rain on the roof"; "the beautiful sound of music"
the subjective sensation of hearing something; "he strained to hear the faint sounds"
the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"
a large ocean inlet or deep bay; "the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast"
mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium; "falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them"
thorough; "a sound thrashing"
free from moral defect; "a man of sound character"
financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy"
in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay; "a sound timber"; "the wall is sound"; "a sound foundation"
appear in a certain way; "This sounds interesting"
give off a certain sound or sounds; "This record sounds scratchy"
make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"
cause to sound; "sound the bell"; "sound a certain note"
announce by means of a sound; "sound the alarm"

