Exact Match:
- sovereign
- a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
- greatest in status or authority or power; "a supreme tribunal"
- absolute,
- all-knowing,
- all-powerful,
- all-seeing,
- all-wise,
- almighty,
- anointed king,
- arch,
- ascendant,
- at the head,
- autarchic,
- autarkic,
- autonomous,
- banner,
- blue-ribbon,
- boss,
- boundless,
- capital,
- cardinal,
- central,
- champion,
- changeless,
- chief,
- chieftain,
- classical,
- coin,
- commanding,
- controlling,
- creating,
- creative,
- crown,
- crowned head,
- crowning,
- directing,
- dominant,
- double eagle,
- doubloon,
- ducat,
- dynast,
- dynastic,
- eagle,
- emperor,
- eternal,
- eternally the same,
- everlasting,
- fine,
- first,
- first-class,
- five-dollar gold piece,
- focal,
- foremost,
- free-spirited,
- freewheeling,
- general,
- glorious,
- gold piece,
- good,
- governing,
- grand duke,
- great,
- guiding,
- guinea,
- half crown,
- half eagle,
- hallowed,
- hard money,
- head,
- headmost,
- hegemonic,
- hegemonistic,
- high chief,
- highest,
- holy,
- immortal,
- immutable,
- imperator,
- imperatorial,
- imperatorious,
- imperial,
- imperious,
- in ascendancy,
- in charge,
- in chief,
- in the ascendant,
- independent,
- individualistic,
- infinite,
- inner-directed,
- just,
- king,
- king-emperor,
- kinglet,
- kinglike,
- kingly,
- leading,
- limitless,
- lord paramount,
- loving,
- luminous,
- magisterial,
- main,
- majestic,
- majesty,
- making,
- master,
- merciful,
- moidore,
- monarch,
- monarchal,
- monarchial,
- monarchic,
- monarchical,
- napoleon,
- neutral,
- nonaligned,
- nonpartisan,
- number one,
- numinous,
- omnipotent,
- omnipresent,
- omniscient,
- one,
- overbearing,
- overlord,
- overruling,
- paramount,
- permanent,
- perpetual,
- petty king,
- piece,
- piece of money,
- piece of silver,
- plenipotentiary,
- potentate,
- pound sovereign,
- predominant,
- predominate,
- preeminent,
- prepollent,
- preponderant,
- preponderate,
- prepotent,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- primal,
- primary,
- prime,
- prince,
- prince consort,
- princelike,
- princely,
- principal,
- purple,
- queenlike,
- queenly,
- radiant,
- ranking,
- regal,
- regnant,
- regulating,
- regulative,
- regulatory,
- reigning,
- roll of coins,
- rouleau,
- royal,
- royal personage,
- royalty,
- ruler,
- ruling,
- sacred,
- self-contained,
- self-dependent,
- self-determined,
- self-directing,
- self-governed,
- self-governing,
- self-reliant,
- self-subsistent,
- self-sufficient,
- self-supporting,
- separate,
- shaping,
- specie,
- star,
- stellar,
- supereminent,
- supreme,
- suzerain,
- ten-dollar gold piece,
- tetrarch,
- third-force,
- third-world,
- timeless,
- topflight,
- twenty-dollar gold piece,
- ubiquitous,
- unbounded,
- unchanging,
- undefined,
- unlimited