Exact Match:
- spiral
- flying downward in a helical path with a large radius
- ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center
- a plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at increasing distances from the center
- form a spiral; "The path spirals up the mountain"
- Milky Way,
- O-shaped,
- Via Lactea,
- acrobatics,
- aerobatics,
- ambagious,
- anfractuous,
- arise,
- ascend,
- aspire,
- backhanded,
- bank,
- banking,
- barred spiral,
- barred spiral galaxy,
- become airborne,
- chandelle,
- circle,
- circling,
- circuit,
- circuiteer,
- circuition,
- circuitous,
- circuitousness,
- circuitry,
- circular,
- circularity,
- circulate,
- circulation,
- circumambience,
- circumambiency,
- circumambulate,
- circumambulation,
- circumflexion,
- circumlocution,
- circummigrate,
- circummigration,
- circumnavigate,
- circumnavigation,
- circumvent,
- cirrus,
- claw skyward,
- close the circle,
- cochlear,
- cochleate,
- coil,
- coiled,
- come full circle,
- come up,
- compass,
- corkscrew,
- corkscrewy,
- cosmic noise,
- crab,
- crabbing,
- curl,
- curl upwards,
- curlicue,
- cycle,
- describe a circle,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviating,
- deviation,
- deviative,
- devious,
- deviousness,
- digression,
- digressive,
- dip,
- discursive,
- dive,
- diving,
- encircle,
- encompass,
- entwine,
- evolute,
- excursion,
- excursive,
- excursus,
- feather,
- fishtail,
- fishtailing,
- flank,
- float,
- fly,
- fly aloft,
- gain altitude,
- galactic circle,
- galactic cluster,
- galactic coordinates,
- galactic latitude,
- galactic longitude,
- galactic nebula,
- galactic noise,
- galactic pole,
- galaxy,
- girdle,
- girdle the globe,
- glide,
- go about,
- go around,
- go round,
- go the round,
- go up,
- grow up,
- gyre,
- gyring,
- hang,
- helical,
- helicoid,
- helix,
- hover,
- indirect,
- indirection,
- involute,
- island universe,
- kink,
- kite,
- lap,
- leave the ground,
- levitate,
- loom,
- loop,
- make a circuit,
- meandering,
- mount,
- nose dive,
- oblique,
- orbit,
- orbital,
- orbiting,
- out-of-the-way,
- plane,
- plow,
- poise,
- porpoise,
- power dive,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- pull-up,
- pullout,
- push down,
- pushdown,
- rear,
- rear up,
- revolve,
- ringlet,
- rise,
- rise up,
- roll,
- rolling,
- rotary,
- round,
- roundabout,
- roundaboutness,
- rounding,
- screw,
- screw-shaped,
- scroll,
- scrolled,
- sideslip,
- skid,
- skirt,
- soar,
- spheroidal galaxy,
- spin,
- spiral galaxy,
- spiral nebula,
- spiraling,
- spire,
- spiroid,
- stall,
- stand up,
- stunt,
- stunting,
- supergalaxy,
- surge,
- surround,
- swarm up,
- sweep up,
- swirl,
- tactical maneuvers,
- take off,
- tendril,
- tower,
- turbinal,
- turbinate,
- turn,
- turning,
- twine,
- twirl,
- twist,
- undulate,
- up,
- upgo,
- upgrow,
- upheave,
- uprise,
- upspin,
- upstream,
- upsurge,
- upswarm,
- upwind,
- verticillate,
- volplane,
- volute,
- voluted,
- volution,
- vortex,
- wheel,
- wheeling,
- whirl,
- whorl,
- whorled,
- wreathe,
- yaw,
- zoom