- acme,
- antenna tower,
- anthrophore,
- apex,
- apogee,
- arise,
- ascend,
- aspire,
- axis,
- barbican,
- become airborne,
- belfry,
- bell tower,
- blade,
- bole,
- bract,
- bracteole,
- bractlet,
- brow,
- buss the clouds,
- campanile,
- cane,
- cap,
- carpophore,
- caudex,
- caulicle,
- caulis,
- claw skyward,
- climax,
- cloud nine,
- cog,
- colossus,
- column,
- comb,
- come up,
- cotyledon,
- crag,
- crest,
- crown,
- culm,
- culmen,
- culmination,
- cupola,
- curl upwards,
- derrick,
- dome,
- edge,
- extreme limit,
- extremity,
- fang,
- fire tower,
- flag,
- float,
- floral leaf,
- fly,
- fly aloft,
- foliole,
- footstalk,
- frond,
- funicule,
- funiculus,
- gain altitude,
- glume,
- go up,
- grow up,
- hang,
- harrow,
- haulm,
- heaven,
- heavens,
- height,
- high noon,
- highest pitch,
- highest point,
- hover,
- involucre,
- involucrum,
- jag,
- kite,
- lamina,
- lantern,
- leaf,
- leaflet,
- leafstalk,
- leave the ground,
- lemma,
- levitate,
- lighthouse,
- ligule,
- limit,
- loom,
- martello,
- martello tower,
- mast,
- maximum,
- meridian,
- minaret,
- monument,
- mount,
- mountaintop,
- ne plus ultra,
- needle,
- no place higher,
- noon,
- obelisk,
- observation tower,
- pagoda,
- peak,
- pecten,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- petal,
- petiole,
- petiolule,
- petiolus,
- pilaster,
- pile,
- pillar,
- pine needle,
- pinnacle,
- pitch,
- plane,
- point,
- poise,
- pole,
- projection,
- pylon,
- pyramid,
- rake,
- ratchet,
- rear,
- rear up,
- reed,
- ridge,
- rise,
- rise up,
- sawtooth,
- seed leaf,
- seedstalk,
- sepal,
- seventh heaven,
- shaft,
- sky,
- skyscraper,
- snag,
- snaggle,
- soar,
- spathe,
- spear,
- spiral,
- sprocket,
- spur,
- stalk,
- stand on tiptoe,
- stand up,
- standpipe,
- steeple,
- stem,
- stipe,
- stipula,
- stipule,
- stock,
- straw,
- stupa,
- summit,
- surge,
- swarm up,
- sweep up,
- take off,
- television mast,
- tigella,
- tip,
- tip-top,
- tooth,
- top,
- tope,
- tour,
- tower,
- trunk,
- turret,
- up,
- upgo,
- upgrow,
- upheave,
- upmost,
- upper extremity,
- uppermost,
- uprise,
- upspin,
- upstream,
- upsurge,
- upswarm,
- upwind,
- utmost,
- vertex,
- very top,
- water tower,
- windmill tower,
- zenith,
- zoom