Exact Match:
- stem
- the tube of a tobacco pipe
- remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
- stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "them the tide"
- grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
- cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
- IC analysis,
- Maypole,
- V,
- accidence,
- accrue from,
- adjutage,
- advance,
- affiliation,
- affix,
- affixation,
- affront,
- allomorph,
- animal kingdom,
- ankle,
- antagonize,
- anthrophore,
- apparentation,
- arise,
- arise from,
- arrest,
- ascender,
- axis,
- back,
- baluster,
- balustrade,
- banister,
- bar,
- base,
- bastard type,
- battle,
- bayonet legs,
- be contingent on,
- be due to,
- beak,
- beard,
- beat against,
- beat up against,
- beginning,
- belly,
- bevel,
- bifurcate,
- birth,
- black letter,
- block,
- blood,
- bloodline,
- body,
- bole,
- bound morpheme,
- bow,
- bowlegs,
- bows,
- bowsprit,
- brake,
- branch,
- branch out,
- brave,
- breast,
- breast the wave,
- breed,
- bring before,
- bring forward,
- bring to,
- bring up,
- bring up short,
- brood,
- buck,
- bud from,
- buffet,
- buffet the waves,
- calf,
- cane,
- cap,
- capital,
- carpophore,
- caryatid,
- case,
- catheter,
- caudex,
- caulicle,
- caulis,
- challenge,
- check,
- checkmate,
- clan,
- class,
- close with,
- cnemis,
- colonnade,
- column,
- combat,
- come,
- come along,
- come from,
- come on,
- come out of,
- commencement,
- common ancestry,
- compete with,
- conception,
- confront,
- confront with,
- conjugation,
- consanguinity,
- contend against,
- contest,
- control,
- counter,
- cover ground,
- crotch,
- crutch,
- culm,
- curb,
- cut short,
- cutting,
- dado,
- dam,
- dare,
- deadlock,
- declension,
- defy,
- delta,
- deme,
- depend on,
- derivation,
- derive,
- derive from,
- descend,
- descend from,
- descender,
- descent,
- develop,
- die,
- difference of form,
- diminish,
- direct line,
- distaff side,
- divaricate,
- drainpipe,
- draw rein,
- drumstick,
- efflux tube,
- em,
- emanate,
- emanate from,
- emerge from,
- en,
- enclitic,
- encounter,
- ensue from,
- envisage,
- extraction,
- face,
- face with,
- family,
- fan,
- fat-faced type,
- feet,
- female line,
- fight,
- fight against,
- figurehead,
- filiation,
- fire hose,
- flagstaff,
- flow,
- flow from,
- flue pipe,
- folk,
- follow from,
- font,
- footstalk,
- forecastle,
- foredeck,
- foreleg,
- forepeak,
- fork,
- formative,
- free form,
- freeze,
- front,
- funicule,
- funiculus,
- funnel,
- furcate,
- furcula,
- furculum,
- gain ground,
- gamb,
- gambrel,
- garden hose,
- gas pipe,
- gather head,
- gather way,
- generate,
- genesis,
- gens,
- germinate from,
- get ahead,
- get along,
- gigot,
- go,
- go ahead,
- go along,
- go fast,
- go forward,
- go on,
- grapple with,
- grass roots,
- groin,
- groove,
- grow,
- grow from,
- grow out of,
- halt,
- ham,
- hang on,
- haulm,
- head,
- hind leg,
- hinge on,
- hock,
- hose,
- hosepipe,
- house,
- immediate constituent analysis,
- inception,
- infix,
- infixation,
- inflection,
- inguen,
- issue,
- issue from,
- italic,
- jack,
- jamb,
- jib boom,
- join battle with,
- kind,
- knee,
- labor against,
- lay before,
- leafstalk,
- leg,
- lessen,
- letter,
- ligature,
- limb,
- line,
- line of descent,
- lineage,
- logotype,
- lower case,
- majuscule,
- make good time,
- make head against,
- make progress,
- make progress against,
- make strides,
- make up leeway,
- male line,
- matriclan,
- meet,
- meet squarely,
- militate against,
- minuscule,
- morph,
- morpheme,
- morphemic analysis,
- morphemics,
- morphology,
- morphophonemics,
- move,
- move forward,
- nation,
- newel-post,
- nick,
- nipple,
- nose,
- offer resistance,
- offshoot,
- order,
- organ pipe,
- origin,
- original,
- originate,
- originate in,
- origination,
- paradigm,
- pass along,
- pass on,
- patriclan,
- pedestal,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- people,
- petiole,
- petiolule,
- petiolus,
- phratry,
- phyle,
- phylum,
- pi,
- pica,
- pier,
- pilaster,
- pile,
- piling,
- pillar,
- pipe,
- pipeline,
- pipette,
- piping,
- place before,
- plant kingdom,
- plinth,
- podite,
- point,
- pole,
- popliteal space,
- post,
- prefix,
- prefixation,
- present to,
- prevail over,
- print,
- proceed,
- proceed from,
- proclitic,
- progress,
- prong,
- prore,
- provenience,
- prow,
- pull up,
- put it to,
- put paid to,
- queen-post,
- quell,
- race,
- radical,
- radix,
- ramification,
- ramify,
- reduce,
- reed,
- reed pipe,
- reluct,
- reluctate,
- resist,
- result,
- retard,
- rise,
- rival,
- rod,
- roll,
- roman,
- root,
- rostrum,
- sans serif,
- scape,
- scissor-legs,
- script,
- seed,
- seedstalk,
- sept,
- set before,
- shaft,
- shank,
- shin,
- shoot,
- shoulder,
- siamese,
- siamese connection,
- side,
- siphon,
- slow,
- small cap,
- small capital,
- snorkel,
- socle,
- soil pipe,
- source,
- spear,
- spear side,
- species,
- spindle side,
- spire,
- spring,
- spring from,
- sprout,
- sprout from,
- staff,
- stalemate,
- stalk,
- stall,
- stamp,
- stanch,
- stanchion,
- stand,
- standard,
- standpipe,
- staunch,
- stay,
- steam pipe,
- stem from,
- stem the tide,
- stems,
- step forward,
- stick,
- stipe,
- stirps,
- stock,
- stop,
- stop cold,
- stop dead,
- stop short,
- strain,
- straw,
- strive against,
- struggle against,
- stumps,
- subbase,
- succession,
- suffix,
- suffixation,
- suppress,
- surbase,
- sword side,
- take on,
- tap,
- taproot,
- tarsus,
- theme,
- tigella,
- tongue,
- totem,
- totem pole,
- travel,
- tribe,
- trident,
- trifurcate,
- trotters,
- trunk,
- tube,
- tubing,
- tubulation,
- tubule,
- tubulet,
- tubulure,
- turn on,
- type,
- type body,
- type class,
- type lice,
- typecase,
- typeface,
- typefounders,
- typefoundry,
- upper case,
- upright,
- vie with,
- waste pipe,
- water pipe,
- wishbone,
- withstand,
- word-formation