Exact Match:
- straw
- a thin paper or plastic tube used to such liquids into the mouth
- plant fiber used e.g. for making baskets and hats or as fodder
- of a pale yellow color like straw; straw colored
- cover or provide with or as if with straw; "cows were strawed to weather the snowstorm"
- a continental,
- a curse,
- a damn,
- a darn,
- a hoot,
- adjutage,
- afterglow,
- afterimage,
- air,
- anthrophore,
- aureate,
- auric,
- axis,
- bagatelle,
- balance,
- barley,
- bauble,
- bean,
- beige,
- bestrew,
- bibelot,
- bird seed,
- bit,
- bole,
- bran,
- brass farthing,
- broadcast,
- bubble,
- buff,
- buff-yellow,
- butt,
- butt end,
- button,
- canary,
- canary-yellow,
- candle ends,
- cane,
- carpophore,
- cat food,
- catheter,
- caudex,
- caulicle,
- caulis,
- cent,
- chaff,
- chicken feed,
- chip,
- chop,
- citron,
- citron-yellow,
- cobweb,
- cork,
- corn,
- cream,
- creamy,
- culm,
- curio,
- debris,
- detritus,
- disseminate,
- dog food,
- down,
- drainpipe,
- dust,
- eatage,
- ecru,
- efflux tube,
- end,
- ensilage,
- ether,
- fag end,
- fairy,
- fallow,
- farce,
- farthing,
- feather,
- feed,
- fig,
- filings,
- fire hose,
- flaxen,
- fleabite,
- flue,
- flue pipe,
- fluff,
- foam,
- fodder,
- folderol,
- footstalk,
- forage,
- fossil,
- fribble,
- frippery,
- froth,
- funicule,
- funiculus,
- funnel,
- fuzz,
- garden hose,
- gas pipe,
- gaud,
- gewgaw,
- gilded,
- gilt,
- gimcrack,
- gold,
- gold-colored,
- golden,
- gossamer,
- grain,
- hair,
- halfpenny,
- haulm,
- hay,
- hill of beans,
- holdover,
- hose,
- hosepipe,
- husks,
- jest,
- joke,
- kickshaw,
- knickknack,
- knickknackery,
- leafstalk,
- leavings,
- leftovers,
- lemon,
- lemon-yellow,
- luteolous,
- lutescent,
- mash,
- meal,
- minikin,
- mockery,
- molehill,
- mote,
- nipple,
- oats,
- ocherish,
- ocherous,
- ochery,
- ochreous,
- ochroid,
- ochrous,
- ochry,
- odds and ends,
- offscourings,
- or,
- organ pipe,
- orts,
- parings,
- pasturage,
- pasture,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- peppercorn,
- pet food,
- petiole,
- petiolule,
- petiolus,
- picayune,
- pin,
- pinch of snuff,
- pinprick,
- pipe,
- pipeline,
- pipette,
- piping,
- primrose,
- primrose-colored,
- primrose-yellow,
- provender,
- rags,
- rap,
- red cent,
- reed,
- reed pipe,
- refuse,
- relics,
- remainder,
- remains,
- remnant,
- residue,
- residuum,
- rest,
- roach,
- row of pins,
- rubbish,
- ruins,
- rump,
- rush,
- saffron,
- saffron-colored,
- saffron-yellow,
- sallow,
- sand-colored,
- sandy,
- sawdust,
- scatter,
- scourings,
- scraps,
- scratch,
- scratch feed,
- seedstalk,
- shadow,
- shavings,
- shit,
- siamese,
- siamese connection,
- silage,
- siphon,
- slops,
- snap,
- sneeshing,
- snorkel,
- soil pipe,
- sou,
- sow,
- spear,
- spire,
- sponge,
- spume,
- stalk,
- standpipe,
- steam pipe,
- stem,
- stipe,
- stock,
- straw-colored,
- stubble,
- stump,
- survival,
- sweepings,
- swill,
- tap,
- thistledown,
- tigella,
- toy,
- trace,
- trifle,
- trinket,
- tube,
- tubing,
- tubulation,
- tubule,
- tubulet,
- tubulure,
- tuppence,
- two cents,
- twopence,
- vestige,
- waste,
- waste pipe,
- water pipe,
- wheat,
- whim-wham,
- xanthic,
- xanthous,
- yellow,
- yellowish