Exact Match:
- string
- a lightweight cord
- a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed
- a collection of objects threaded on a single strand
- a linear sequence of symbols (characters or words or phrases)
- a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding; "a string of islands"; "train of mourners"; "a train of thought"
- (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
- add as if on a string; "string these ideas together"; "string up these songs and you'll have a musical"
- provide with strings; "string my guitar"
- thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"
- remove the stringy parts of; "string beans"
- string together; tie or fasten with a string; "string the package"
- stretch out or arrange like a string
- move or come along
- A string,
- Amati,
- Cremona,
- D string,
- E string,
- G string,
- Indian file,
- Strad,
- Stradivari,
- Stradivarius,
- age group,
- agree,
- array,
- articulation,
- atone,
- attune,
- authority,
- band,
- bank,
- bar,
- bass,
- bass viol,
- battalion,
- be continuous,
- bevy,
- bluff,
- body,
- boundary condition,
- bow,
- braid,
- brail,
- bridge,
- brigade,
- bull fiddle,
- bunch,
- buzz,
- cabal,
- cable,
- caravan,
- cast,
- catch,
- catches,
- catena,
- catenate,
- catenation,
- catgut,
- cavalcade,
- cello,
- chain,
- chain reaction,
- chaining,
- chaplet,
- cheat,
- choker,
- chord,
- clause,
- clique,
- cohort,
- collaborate,
- column,
- command,
- company,
- complement,
- concatenate,
- concatenation,
- concur,
- condition,
- conditions,
- connect,
- connect up,
- connection,
- consecution,
- contingent,
- continuate,
- continue,
- continuum,
- contrabass,
- control,
- cord,
- corps,
- cortege,
- coterie,
- course,
- covey,
- crew,
- crowd,
- cycle,
- deceive,
- delay,
- dernier ressort,
- descent,
- detachment,
- detail,
- division,
- dominate,
- domination,
- donnee,
- doorstep,
- double bass,
- drag out,
- drape,
- dress parade,
- drone,
- dupe,
- echelon,
- eight,
- eleven,
- endless belt,
- endless round,
- entry,
- escalator clause,
- escape clause,
- escape hatch,
- exception,
- exert influence,
- expedient,
- extend,
- faction,
- favorite,
- festoon,
- fiddle,
- fiddlebow,
- fiddlestick,
- fiddlestring,
- filament,
- file,
- filiation,
- fine print,
- fingerboard,
- first string,
- first team,
- five,
- fleet,
- flyover,
- follow,
- fool,
- footrest,
- footstep,
- form a series,
- funeral,
- gamut,
- gang,
- given,
- go along with,
- gradation,
- grounds,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- hang,
- hoax,
- hold the reins,
- horsehair,
- hum,
- in-group,
- join,
- joker,
- junta,
- jurisdiction,
- kicker,
- kit,
- kit fiddle,
- kit violin,
- lead,
- leader,
- leash,
- ligament,
- ligation,
- ligature,
- limitations,
- limiting condition,
- line,
- lineage,
- linguistic act,
- link,
- locution,
- loop,
- lynch,
- maintain continuity,
- makeshift,
- manipulate,
- march past,
- mastery,
- might,
- mob,
- monotone,
- motorcade,
- movement,
- mudder,
- mule train,
- necklace,
- nexus,
- nine,
- nylon string,
- obligation,
- operate,
- order,
- out-group,
- outfit,
- pack,
- pack train,
- parade,
- parameter,
- parol,
- parole,
- party,
- peer group,
- pendulum,
- periodicity,
- phalanx,
- phonation,
- plate horse,
- plater,
- platoon,
- plenum,
- pole horse,
- pomp,
- pony,
- posse,
- postpone,
- powder train,
- prerequisite,
- procession,
- progression,
- promenade,
- protract,
- provision,
- provisions,
- proviso,
- pull the strings,
- put in tune,
- qualification,
- queue,
- race horse,
- racer,
- range,
- rank,
- reach,
- recourse,
- recurrence,
- refuge,
- regiment,
- requisite,
- reservation,
- reserves,
- resort,
- rest,
- reticulation,
- review,
- riser,
- rope,
- rotation,
- round,
- routine,
- row,
- rowing crew,
- run,
- run on,
- rundle,
- rung,
- salon,
- saving clause,
- scale,
- scroll,
- second string,
- second team,
- sequel,
- sequence,
- sequence of phonemes,
- series,
- set,
- shift,
- sine qua non,
- single file,
- skimmington,
- sling,
- small print,
- soundboard,
- speaking,
- specification,
- spectrum,
- speech act,
- spin out,
- spoke,
- spun yarn,
- squad,
- stable,
- stair,
- stake horse,
- staker,
- starter,
- stave,
- steel string,
- steeplechaser,
- step,
- step stool,
- stepping-stone,
- stipulation,
- stipulations,
- stopgap,
- strand,
- stream,
- stretch,
- string along,
- string out,
- string together,
- string up,
- strings,
- strip,
- stripe,
- substitute,
- succession,
- suspend,
- swath,
- sway,
- team,
- tendon,
- tenor violin,
- term,
- terms,
- the spoken word,
- third string,
- thong,
- thread,
- tier,
- tone down,
- tone up,
- tongue,
- train,
- tread,
- tribe,
- trick,
- troop,
- troupe,
- tune,
- tune up,
- tuning peg,
- twine,
- twist,
- ultimatum,
- utterance,
- utterance string,
- varsity,
- viola,
- violin,
- violinette,
- violoncello,
- violoncello piccolo,
- violone,
- violotta,
- vocable,
- voice,
- whereas,
- windrow,
- wing,
- wire,
- word,
- word of mouth,
- wound string,
- wreath,
- yarn