Exact Match:
- supplicate
- ask humbly (for something); "He supplicated the King for clemency"
- ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer; "supplicate God's blessing"
- make a humble, earnest petition; "supplicate for permission"
- adjure,
- appeal,
- appeal to,
- beg,
- beseech,
- call for help,
- call on,
- call upon,
- clamor for,
- commune with God,
- conjure,
- crave,
- cry for,
- cry on,
- cry to,
- entreat,
- give thanks,
- impetrate,
- implore,
- importune,
- imprecate,
- invoke,
- kneel to,
- make supplication,
- obtest,
- offer a prayer,
- petition,
- plead,
- plead for,
- pray,
- pray over,
- recite the rosary,
- return thanks,
- run to,
- say grace