Exact Match:
- suppressive
- tending to suppress; "the government used suppressive measures to control the protest"
- absolute,
- absolutist,
- absolutistic,
- arbitrary,
- aristocratic,
- arrogant,
- authoritarian,
- authoritative,
- autocratic,
- bossy,
- choking,
- constraining,
- constrictive,
- contrary,
- counterproductive,
- crosswise,
- despotic,
- dictatorial,
- domineering,
- exclusive,
- feudal,
- forbidding,
- grinding,
- high-handed,
- hindering,
- hindersome,
- imperative,
- imperial,
- imperious,
- in the way,
- inhibiting,
- inhibitive,
- inhibitory,
- interdictive,
- interdictory,
- interrupting,
- interruptive,
- lordly,
- magisterial,
- magistral,
- masterful,
- monocratic,
- obstructing,
- obstructive,
- obstruent,
- occlusive,
- oppressive,
- overbearing,
- overruling,
- peremptory,
- preclusive,
- preventive,
- prohibiting,
- prohibitive,
- prohibitory,
- proscriptive,
- repressive,
- restraining,
- restrictive,
- severe,
- stifling,
- strangling,
- strict,
- stultifying,
- troublesome,
- tyrannical,
- tyrannous