Exact Match:
- syllogism
- deductive reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two premises
- Aristotelian sorites,
- Baconian method,
- Goclenian sorites,
- a fortiori reasoning,
- a posteriori reasoning,
- a priori reasoning,
- analysis,
- categorical syllogism,
- deduction,
- deductive reasoning,
- dilemma,
- enthymeme,
- epagoge,
- figure,
- generalization,
- hypothesis and verification,
- induction,
- inductive reasoning,
- inference,
- mode,
- modus tollens,
- mood,
- paralogism,
- particularization,
- philosophical induction,
- prosyllogism,
- pseudosyllogism,
- rule,
- rule of deduction,
- sorites,
- syllogistic reasoning,
- synthesis