Exact Match:
- tap
- a light touch or stroke
- a plug for a bunghole in a cask
- a tool for cutting female (internal) screw threads
- a small metal plate that attaches to the toe or heel of a shoe (as in tap dancing)
- strike lightly; "He tapped me on the shoulder"
- cut a female screw thread with a tap
- pierce in order to draw a liquid from; "tap a maple tree for its syrup"; "tap a keg of beer"
- draw (liquor) from a tap; "tap beer in a bar"
- walk with a tapping sound
- make light, repeated taps on a surface; "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"
- draw from or dip into to get something; "tap one's memory"; "tap a source of money"
- furnish with a tap or spout, so as to be able to draw liquid from it; "tap a cask of wine"
- Gramophone,
- PA,
- PA system,
- Victrola,
- abridge,
- adjutage,
- air hole,
- appoint,
- armhole,
- at hand,
- attend,
- attend to,
- audio sound system,
- audiophile,
- auger,
- auscultate,
- available,
- avenue,
- ball cock,
- ball valve,
- bang,
- bar,
- barroom,
- be all ears,
- beak,
- beat,
- beat a tattoo,
- beat the drum,
- beat time,
- beating,
- bend an ear,
- bereave,
- binaural system,
- bitch box,
- bite,
- bleed,
- blowhole,
- bob,
- bore,
- breath,
- broach,
- brush,
- bug,
- bulb,
- bulbil,
- bullet-hole,
- bullhorn,
- bump,
- bung,
- bunghole,
- bunt,
- burst,
- bust,
- caress,
- cartridge,
- catheter,
- ceramic pickup,
- changer,
- channel,
- check valve,
- chink,
- chuck,
- chute,
- clap,
- clash,
- cleave,
- click,
- clink,
- clop,
- clump,
- clunk,
- cock,
- cock the ears,
- cocktail lounge,
- come in contact,
- contact,
- cork,
- corm,
- count,
- count the beats,
- countersink,
- crack,
- crash,
- crevasse,
- cringle,
- crump,
- crystal pickup,
- curtail,
- cut,
- cut off,
- cut open,
- cutaneous sense,
- dab,
- deadeye,
- debouch,
- decant,
- deprive,
- deprive of,
- derived four-channel system,
- discrete four-channel system,
- disentitle,
- dispart,
- divaricate,
- divest,
- divide,
- door,
- draft,
- draft off,
- drain,
- drain cock,
- drainpipe,
- draw,
- draw cock,
- draw from,
- draw off,
- draw on,
- drill,
- drinkery,
- drum,
- dull thud,
- ease one of,
- eavesdrop,
- efflux tube,
- egress,
- empierce,
- empty,
- emunctory,
- escape,
- estuary,
- examine by ear,
- exhaust,
- exit,
- extract,
- eye,
- eyelet,
- faucet,
- feel,
- feel of,
- feeling,
- fillip,
- finger,
- fingertip caress,
- fire hose,
- fissure,
- fix,
- flap,
- flick,
- flip,
- flirt,
- floodgate,
- flop,
- flue pipe,
- flume,
- flump,
- fly open,
- four-channel stereo system,
- funnel,
- garden hose,
- gas pipe,
- gasket,
- gate,
- give attention,
- give audience to,
- give ear,
- glance,
- gore,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- graze,
- groggery,
- grogshop,
- grommet,
- guide,
- hammer,
- hand-mindedness,
- handle,
- hark,
- hear,
- hear out,
- hearken,
- heed,
- hi-fi,
- hi-fi fan,
- high-fidelity,
- hit,
- hole,
- honeycomb,
- hose,
- hosepipe,
- hydrant,
- impale,
- in reserve,
- incise,
- intercept,
- intercom,
- intercommunication system,
- jukebox,
- keep time,
- keyhole,
- kiss,
- knock,
- knocking,
- knothole,
- lambency,
- lance,
- lap,
- lay open,
- lend an ear,
- let,
- let blood,
- let out,
- lick,
- lid,
- light touch,
- lighten one of,
- listen,
- listen at,
- listen in,
- listen to,
- loop,
- loophole,
- magnetic pickup,
- make,
- make use of,
- manhole,
- manipulate,
- milk,
- mine,
- monaural system,
- mono,
- mousehole,
- name,
- needle,
- needle valve,
- nickelodeon,
- nipple,
- nominate,
- on call,
- on hand,
- on tap,
- ope,
- open,
- open up,
- opening,
- organ pipe,
- out,
- outcome,
- outfall,
- outgate,
- outgo,
- outlet,
- pad,
- palm,
- palpate,
- part,
- pat,
- patter,
- paw,
- peck,
- pecking,
- peephole,
- peg,
- penetrate,
- perforate,
- petcock,
- phlebotomize,
- phonograph,
- photoelectric pickup,
- pick,
- pickup,
- pierce,
- pigeonhole,
- pin,
- pinhole,
- pink,
- pipe,
- pipeline,
- pipette,
- piping,
- pitapat,
- pitter-patter,
- placket,
- placket hole,
- play drum,
- plug,
- plump,
- plunk,
- ply,
- poke at,
- pop,
- pore,
- port,
- porthole,
- pothouse,
- pound,
- prick,
- prod,
- pub,
- public house,
- public-address system,
- pump,
- pump out,
- punch,
- punch-hole,
- puncture,
- put through channels,
- put to use,
- quadraphonic sound system,
- radicle,
- radio-phonograph combination,
- radix,
- rap,
- rapping,
- ready,
- ream,
- ream out,
- record changer,
- record player,
- reed,
- reed pipe,
- rent,
- report,
- rhizome,
- riddle,
- rift,
- rip,
- rive,
- root,
- rootstock,
- rub,
- ruffle,
- run through,
- sally port,
- sap,
- sea cock,
- sense of touch,
- separate,
- siamese,
- siamese connection,
- siphon,
- siphon off,
- sit in on,
- skewer,
- slam,
- slap,
- slat,
- slit,
- sluice,
- smack,
- smite,
- snap,
- snorkel,
- soil pipe,
- sound a tattoo,
- sound reproduction system,
- sound truck,
- spear,
- spigot,
- spike,
- spile,
- spill,
- spiracle,
- spit,
- splat,
- split,
- spout,
- spread,
- spread out,
- spring open,
- squawk box,
- stab,
- standpipe,
- steam pipe,
- stem,
- stereo,
- stick,
- stop,
- stopcock,
- stopgap,
- stopper,
- stopple,
- straw,
- strike,
- stroke,
- stylus,
- suck,
- suck out,
- swap,
- swing open,
- system,
- tactile sense,
- taction,
- take away from,
- take from,
- tape deck,
- tape recorder,
- tapping,
- taproom,
- taproot,
- tear,
- tear open,
- tentative poke,
- throw open,
- thrum,
- thud,
- thumb,
- thump,
- thwack,
- tick,
- tickle,
- tinkle,
- tip,
- tom-tom,
- tone arm,
- touch,
- transcription turntable,
- transfix,
- transpierce,
- trepan,
- trephine,
- tube,
- tuber,
- tubercle,
- tubing,
- tubulation,
- tubule,
- tubulet,
- tubulure,
- tunk,
- turn to account,
- turntable,
- twiddle,
- unplug,
- use,
- utilize,
- valve,
- valvula,
- valvule,
- venesect,
- vent,
- ventage,
- venthole,
- vomitory,
- waiting,
- waste pipe,
- water pipe,
- way out,
- weir,
- whack,
- wham,
- whap,
- whisk,
- whisper,
- whomp,
- whop,
- wield,
- wiretap,
- withdraw