Exact Match:
- tapeworm
- ribbonlike flatworms that are parasitic in the intestines of humans and other vertebrates
- Chilopoda,
- Chordata,
- Echiuroidea,
- Ectoprocta,
- Entoprocta,
- Monoplacophora,
- Nemertinea,
- Phoronidea,
- angleworm,
- appetite,
- canine appetite,
- drought,
- dryness,
- earthworm,
- emptiness,
- empty stomach,
- fishworm,
- helminth,
- hollow hunger,
- hunger,
- hungriness,
- inchworm,
- measuring worm,
- night crawler,
- nightwalker,
- polydipsia,
- relish,
- stomach,
- sweet tooth,
- taste,
- thirst,
- thirstiness,
- torment of Tantalus,
- worm