appealing to or using the intellect; "satire is an intellectual weapon"; "intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"; "has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"; "coldly intellectual"; "sort of the intellectual type"; "intellectual literature"
of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"
of or relating to the intellect; "his intellectual career"
extremely annoying or displeasing; "his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating"; "I've had an exasperating day"; "her infuriating indifference"; "the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening"
lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"