Exact Match:
- tone
- (linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages; "the Beijing dialect uses four tones"
- the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author; "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw"; "from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome"
- a steady sound without overtones; "they tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies"
- a musical interval of two semitones
- the quality of a person's voice; "he began in a conversational tone"; "he spoke in a nervous tone of voice"
- give a healthy elasticity to; "Let's tone our muscles"
- change to a color image; "tone a photographic image"
- change the color or tone of; "tone a negative"
- vary the pitch of one's speech
- utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically; "The students chanted the same slogan over and over again"
- French pitch,
- Munsell chroma,
- Zeitgeist,
- accent,
- accidental,
- achromatism,
- action,
- actions,
- activity,
- acts,
- adaptability,
- address,
- affect,
- affectation,
- air,
- algorithm,
- anagnorisis,
- angle,
- apply paint,
- approach,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- argument,
- arrangement,
- aspect,
- atmosphere,
- attack,
- attitude,
- audio frequency,
- aura,
- background,
- balance,
- bearing,
- bedaub,
- bedizen,
- beef,
- beefiness,
- begild,
- behavior,
- behavior pattern,
- behavioral norm,
- behavioral science,
- bend,
- besmear,
- bias,
- blend,
- body-build,
- bounce,
- bounciness,
- brand,
- brawn,
- brawniness,
- breve,
- brighten up,
- brightness,
- brush on paint,
- brushwork,
- buoyance,
- buoyancy,
- calcimine,
- carriage,
- cast,
- catastrophe,
- character,
- characteristic,
- characteristics,
- characterization,
- chroma,
- chromatic color,
- chromaticity,
- chromatism,
- chromism,
- classical pitch,
- climate,
- coat,
- color,
- color balance,
- color harmony,
- color quality,
- color scheme,
- coloration,
- colorimetric quality,
- coloring,
- complexion,
- complication,
- comportment,
- composition,
- conduct,
- consecutive intervals,
- constituents,
- constitution,
- continuity,
- contrivance,
- cool color,
- course,
- cover,
- crasis,
- crotchet,
- cue,
- culture pattern,
- current,
- custom,
- dab,
- dampen,
- daub,
- decorator color,
- deep-dye,
- degree,
- demeanor,
- demisemiquaver,
- denouement,
- deportment,
- depth,
- design,
- development,
- device,
- dharma,
- diapason,
- diatessaron,
- diathesis,
- diatonic interval,
- diatonic semitone,
- dip,
- direction,
- dispose,
- disposition,
- distemper,
- doing,
- doings,
- dominant,
- dominant note,
- double whole note,
- double-dye,
- draftsmanship,
- drift,
- dulcetness,
- dull,
- dye,
- eighth note,
- elasticity,
- emblazon,
- emphasis,
- enamel,
- engild,
- enharmonic,
- enharmonic diesis,
- enharmonic interval,
- enharmonic note,
- episode,
- ethos,
- extensibility,
- fable,
- face,
- falling action,
- fashion,
- fast-dye,
- feel,
- feeling,
- fiber,
- fifth,
- flat,
- flexibility,
- folkway,
- force,
- form,
- fourth,
- frame,
- frame of mind,
- frequency,
- fresco,
- freshen up,
- fullness,
- fundamental,
- fundamental tone,
- genius,
- gestures,
- gild,
- gimmick,
- give,
- glacial movement,
- glaze,
- gloss,
- goings-on,
- grain,
- grouping,
- guise,
- habit,
- half note,
- half step,
- halftone,
- harmonic,
- heart,
- heftiness,
- height,
- hemidemisemiquaver,
- high pitch,
- hue,
- humor,
- humors,
- huskiness,
- ilk,
- illuminate,
- imbue,
- incident,
- incline,
- induce,
- inflection,
- influence,
- ingrain,
- interval,
- intonation,
- intonation pattern,
- involuntary muscle,
- japan,
- key,
- kind,
- lacquer,
- lay on color,
- lead,
- less semitone,
- lightness,
- limber up,
- line,
- line of action,
- lines,
- liveliness,
- local color,
- low pitch,
- main current,
- mainstream,
- maintien,
- makeup,
- manner,
- manner of speaking,
- manner of working,
- manners,
- means,
- mellifluence,
- mellifluousness,
- melodic interval,
- melodiousness,
- melody,
- method,
- methodology,
- methods,
- mien,
- milieu,
- mind,
- minim,
- mode,
- mode of expression,
- mode of operation,
- mode of procedure,
- moderate,
- modify,
- modulate,
- modulation,
- modus operandi,
- modus vivendi,
- mold,
- monotone,
- monotony,
- mood,
- morale,
- motif,
- motion,
- motions,
- move,
- movement,
- movements,
- moves,
- muscle,
- muscularity,
- musculature,
- musical note,
- musical quality,
- musical sound,
- musicality,
- mute,
- mythos,
- natural,
- natural color,
- nature,
- neutral color,
- new philharmonic pitch,
- note,
- observable behavior,
- octave,
- order,
- overtone,
- paint,
- painterliness,
- pallor,
- parallel octaves,
- parget,
- partial,
- partial tone,
- patent note,
- pattern,
- peripeteia,
- perspective,
- persuade,
- philharmonic pitch,
- philosophical pitch,
- phrasing,
- physique,
- pigment,
- pitch,
- pitch accent,
- plan,
- plot,
- poise,
- port,
- pose,
- posture,
- practice,
- praxis,
- predispose,
- presence,
- prime,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- process,
- prompt,
- property,
- purity,
- quality,
- quarter note,
- quaver,
- quieten,
- rebound,
- recognition,
- reduce,
- register,
- reinvigorate,
- report,
- resilience,
- resiliency,
- resonance,
- responding note,
- responsiveness,
- revitalize,
- richness,
- rising action,
- routine,
- run,
- saturation,
- scheme,
- second,
- secondary plot,
- semibreve,
- semiquaver,
- semitone,
- sense,
- set,
- seventh,
- shade,
- shading,
- shadow,
- shape,
- shaped note,
- sharp,
- shellac,
- sinew,
- sinewiness,
- sinews,
- sixteenth note,
- sixth,
- sixty-fourth note,
- skin color,
- slant,
- slop on paint,
- smear,
- snap,
- social science,
- soft-pedal,
- soften,
- soften up,
- somatotype,
- sonority,
- sonorousness,
- sort,
- sound,
- speech tune,
- spiccato,
- spirit,
- spirits,
- spring,
- springiness,
- staccato,
- stain,
- stamp,
- standard pitch,
- state of mind,
- step,
- stipple,
- story,
- streak,
- stream,
- stress,
- stretch,
- stretchability,
- stretchiness,
- stripe,
- structure,
- style,
- subdue,
- subject,
- subplot,
- suchness,
- suprasegmental,
- sustained note,
- sway,
- sweetness,
- swing,
- switch,
- system,
- tack,
- tactics,
- technique,
- temper,
- temperament,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- tercet,
- the drill,
- the general tendency,
- the how,
- the main course,
- the way of,
- thematic development,
- theme,
- thew,
- thewiness,
- thews,
- third,
- thirty-second note,
- timbre,
- time spirit,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- tonality,
- tone color,
- tone down,
- tone of voice,
- tone quality,
- tone up,
- tonelessness,
- tonicity,
- tonus,
- topic,
- treatment,
- trend,
- triplet,
- tune,
- tune up,
- tunefulness,
- turn,
- twist,
- type,
- undercoat,
- undercolor,
- undertone,
- unison interval,
- value,
- values,
- varnish,
- vein,
- voce,
- voice,
- voice qualifier,
- voice quality,
- voluntary muscle,
- warm color,
- wash,
- way,
- way of life,
- way of saying,
- ways,
- wear down,
- weigh with,
- whitewash,
- whole note,
- whole step,
- wise,
- work