Exact Match:
- trench
- a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
- any long ditch cut in the ground
- a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
- dig a trench or trenches; "The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench"
- cut a trench in, as for drainage; "ditch the land to drain it"; "trench the fields"
- set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"
- cut or carve deeply into; "letters trenched into the stone"
- fortify by surrounding with trenches; "He trenched his military camp"
- Bassalia,
- abri,
- abysm,
- abyss,
- abyssal zone,
- adit,
- air-raid shelter,
- approach,
- approach trench,
- aqueduct,
- arroyo,
- barge in,
- bathyal zone,
- benthos,
- bomb shelter,
- bombproof,
- bore,
- bottom,
- bottom glade,
- bottom waters,
- bottomless depths,
- bottoms,
- box canyon,
- breach,
- break,
- break in,
- break in upon,
- bunker,
- burrow,
- burst in,
- butt in,
- canal,
- canalization,
- canalize,
- canyon,
- carve,
- cave,
- cavity,
- chamfer,
- channel,
- channelize,
- chap,
- charge in,
- chasm,
- check,
- chimney,
- chink,
- chisel,
- cleave,
- cleft,
- cleuch,
- clough,
- col,
- concealment,
- conduct,
- conduit,
- convey,
- corrugate,
- coulee,
- couloir,
- countermine,
- coupure,
- course,
- cover,
- covert,
- coverture,
- crack,
- cranny,
- crash,
- crash in,
- crash the gates,
- creep in,
- crevasse,
- crevice,
- crimp,
- crowd in,
- cut,
- cut apart,
- cut in,
- cwm,
- cyclone cellar,
- dado,
- dale,
- defile,
- dell,
- delve,
- dig,
- dig out,
- dike,
- dingle,
- ditch,
- donga,
- double sap,
- drain,
- draw,
- dredge,
- drill,
- drive,
- duct,
- dugout,
- earth,
- edge in,
- egress,
- elbow in,
- encroach,
- engrave,
- entrance,
- entrench,
- entrenchment,
- excavate,
- excavation,
- exit,
- fallout shelter,
- fault,
- fire trench,
- fissure,
- flaw,
- flume,
- flute,
- flying sap,
- foist in,
- fortified tunnel,
- fosse,
- foxhole,
- fracture,
- funk hole,
- funnel,
- furrow,
- gallery,
- gap,
- gape,
- gash,
- gill,
- glen,
- goffer,
- gorge,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- groove,
- ground,
- grove,
- grub,
- gulch,
- gulf,
- gully,
- gutter,
- ha-ha,
- hole,
- horn in,
- impinge,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- incise,
- incision,
- infiltrate,
- infringe,
- ingress,
- inner space,
- insinuate,
- interfere,
- interlope,
- interpose,
- intervale,
- intervene,
- intrude,
- invade,
- irrupt,
- joint,
- kennel,
- kloof,
- leak,
- lower,
- lunar rill,
- mine,
- moat,
- notch,
- nullah,
- obtrude,
- ocean bottom,
- ocean depths,
- ocean floor,
- open,
- opening,
- parallel,
- pass,
- passage,
- passageway,
- pelagic zone,
- pipe,
- pleat,
- plow,
- press in,
- push in,
- put on,
- put through,
- put upon,
- quarry,
- rabbet,
- ravine,
- rent,
- rifle,
- rift,
- rime,
- rive,
- rupture,
- rush in,
- rut,
- safety zone,
- sap,
- scissure,
- scoop,
- scoop out,
- score,
- scrabble,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- seam,
- shelter,
- shovel,
- sink,
- siphon,
- slink in,
- slip in,
- slit,
- slit trench,
- slot,
- smash in,
- sneak in,
- spade,
- split,
- squeeze in,
- steal in,
- storm cave,
- storm cellar,
- storm in,
- strath,
- streak,
- striate,
- sunk fence,
- the deep,
- the deep sea,
- the deeps,
- the depths,
- throng in,
- thrust in,
- trespass,
- trough,
- troughing,
- troughway,
- tunnel,
- vale,
- valley,
- verge,
- void,
- wadi,
- way,
- work in,
- worm in,
- wrinkle